Part 2

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Once you guys had gotten to the jyp building you went to the practice from and we're soon greeted by your manger. " *hello in Korean idk how to spell it * how are you guys". "Good" you all reply. "You guys will be working on your new album,maxident" your manager saying with a smile on his face. Everyone starts jumping in joy and screaming and yelling, except for you. Of course you were excited but you weren't the type of person to scream and yell like that, but seeing straykids like that made you happy, all of their smiles and laughter made you the happiest on the world. You focused yourself once the manager started speaking again. " you will started practicing today.". With that the manager sent the choreographer in and left.

Time skip

       To be VERY clear the case 143 dance is anything but easy. You walked to your water bottle and took 3 HUGE sips. I.n was next to you. " you must be very thirsty". You replied with a simple "yep". He turned away and left the practice room whilst Turing the brightest red/pink I have ever seen. I smiled, I.n always made me smile.

I.n's pov

I was drinking from my water bottle of course when I saw myeong next to me. How could someone look so cute while just dancing that hard. I walked a little closer to her. She was talking huge sips. " you must be very thirsty" I said with a nervous tone . " yep" she answered. I immediately turned away and walked out of the practice room to the bathroom. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? WHY WOULD I SAY THAT? I looked at my self in the mirror, BLUSHING THE MOST I HAVE EVER SEEN A HUMAN BEING BLUSH BEFORE. Why, just why I asked myself. Now she thinks I'm weird. I walked out of the bathroom not wanting to miss more of practice to see myeong. " oh umm, I just wanted to make sure you were okay" myeong said with a small smile on her face, the cutest smile I have ever seen actually, but never mind that. " ummm oh okay um I'm fine" I said like I had literally like I had no education in my life or any brain cells. My tiled her head. Slightly and smiled even wider, still not showing teeth. She took my hand bringing my over to the practice room. We walked in to the practice room, everyone laughed and giggled while we got in to are positions. We started from the top. It was very tiring but I made sure to nail every move. " GREAT GUYS YOU DID A PERFECT JOB, YOU CAN HEAD HOME NOW" the choreographer yelled. We took are belonging and headed to the van.


That took long to write and a lot of brain power so enjoy it. THANK YOU FoR rEaDiNg ThIs StUiPiD RaT bOoK

Skz 9th member/ I.n x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now