Chapter 4

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I ran from the jock who called "Kenny's" name. I sat behind I tree once I knew I was out of site, I buckled my knees and caught myself with my hands panting profoundly. Once my panting stopped I pushed myself up my hips soar from running. I heard panicked yells and screams from the other jocks who had saw his wonderful work. "Awwww poor babies didn't like it...but I worked so hard!!!!" I teased the jocks even though they couldn't hear me. Giggles shock my chest again, then I realized I needed to get home. But there was one problem, I was covered in blood! My face, my hands, my clothes, everything. I was covered in delicious declicious blood. I thought and thought and a plan ran through my head, I would come home and run to the shower before my mom saw me then change clothes. I thought my plan through and planned out all the tactics. It would work...I just had to be cautious very cautious...I can't afford to get caught. I heard police sirens wailing in the distance slowly getting louder and louder, and soon I realized what was happening. The other goddamn jocks called the police!!! I should have finished them off along with their pesky little friend. I ran from there as fast as I could hoping no one saw me scatter off into the knight. I put my knife in its cover and placed it in my pocket as I ran as fast as I could. I was panting again by the time I reached my house. I slowly took out my key and stuck it into the lock twisting it slowly. I slowly opened the door, it creaked quietly as I peered around the corner. "Mom!?" I called.
"Yes honey!?" I heard her yell back, "dinners in the pot on the stove" she yelled as well as if I had asked her where dinner was. "Mk!! Im gunna take a shower first." I yelled and ran up the stairs the carpet steps booming under my feet. I slowly pulled my shirt over my head and undid my bra. I watched as my clothes fell to the floor. I unbuttoned my pans and pulled them down my ankles then kicked them off. I turned on the shower the streams of water banging against the white tub. As soon as I stepped inside sticky crisom blood washed from my body into the drain. The water beat on my back as I ran my fingers through my hair. Then i heard a knock boom through the house and the dreaded words, "POLICE!!!"

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