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I turned off the noisy T.V. after the murder case ceased. I pushed myself onto my feet and walked to the door slipping on my shoes. "I'm going out!" I called behind me hearing my voice boom down the narrow hallway. "Where too!?? You'll miss dinner!!" She yelled back. "I'll be back soon," was all j said before steeping outside and closing the door behind me before she could protest. I took a deep breath and pulled my hood over my black locks. I began my decent down the sidewalk. I knew were the jocks played basketball, and looking at the time they were probobly there by now. A rough tingling feeling shot up from my toes to my head as I giggled softly.
I grabbed my sharp hunting knife that I had snuck out with me and ran my pale finger down the wonderful blade. I winced as the blade sit my finger . My giggling became more intense as I slowly licked the lovely blood off of my finger. The basketball course came into view as I held my knife higher watching the blade glint in the warm sunlight. Then I saw them...the jocks my pray. Their watcher football tees were covered in mud and dirt, their stupid haircuts bounced as they ran with the ball. My giggles got louder, more intense as the images of them lying slaughtered on the ground flashed in front of my gaze. I stopped for a second and planned out my tactics. There were too many of them to fight all at once, I've never even been in a real fight before.
I decided to sit it out and wait until one of them breaks away from the group....from the herd. Now I was a graceful lion who wiggled her haunches through her sleek pelt, and she pushed off the grassy ground with her large paws keeping her yellow optics locked on her pray. I smiled madly as one of the jocks mumbled something to the others then walked off. My giggled began again as I followed him slowly, I smiled inteansly when I saw it was the jock I had slapped. I looked at him and admired my work. His lip was fat and purple it seemed painful. I heard him mumble under his breath as I got closer "stupid bitch...blah blah blah....slapping me...blah blah blah" I smiled as I crouched behind a bush the lovely aroma of it filling my lungs. I tried to stay quiet but my giggles turned into laughs as I sqaured in on him. I jumped out of the behind of the bush and ran towards him throwing all my weight at him and tackling him. He fell to the ground with a delicious thump followed my a cracking noise. I flipped him over harshly so my smiling face would be the very last thing he would ever see.
"What the duck let me go you crazy bitch!!" He boomed out his Adam's apple moving with his sylabals. His confident face that surged with fury turned into fear with on blink as he saw my knife. "Oh this?" I asked teasingly throwing my knife from hand to hand. "Well this...this wi be the death of you..." I laughed after that sentence he screamed but I covered his Obnoxious mouth. He tried to scream under my hand as he squirmed around trying to knock me off. I just smiled down at his fear stricken face, I loved the look of fear in his face. I was admiring his fear when he bit my hand that was covering his mouth. I shot my hand off his face, "now that...that you will pay for" I said in between giggles. I grasped my knife with both hands and raised it high above my head. His eyes widened and he whimpered softly as I stabbed the knife straight into his chest. I slowly ran the knife down his chest to him abdomen, then pulled it up strands of blood still connected to it. I smiled grimly as I raised the knife again. Slowly dragging the knife alone his neck. I watched as blood dotted around the cut then slowly slithered down his neck soon mixing with the blood of his chest.
He admitted gurgling sounds and whimpers struggling with all the strength he still had left. "Goodnight" I whispered in his ear before jabbing the knife straight into his still beating heart. Lovely warm blood splashed against my face and hoodie. I licked my lips and tasted the lovely blood as I swished it around in my mouth. I decided to leave a mark on his know like a trademark! I picked up my soaking knife and carved a triangle into his forehead. I smiled grimly and stood up looking down at my glorious work. I stopped for a second and something hit me. I just killed someone... I thought about it more and more and repeated those words this time outloud, "I just killed someone!!!" I yelled joyously the words seeming to get stuck in the cool night air. I jumped up and started humming and dancing around singing songs of joy. I hopped around his corpse blood dripping from my knife. I playfully gasped, "oh no!" I spoke to myself "how could I let waste such a rich substance!!!" I giggled minaically and raised the knife to my needy mouth. I licked up and down the crisom blade. I licked it completely clean before jumping around once more singing and humming in pure joy, pure insanity. I laughed and buckled my knees laughing loudly as I stared at the jocks corpse lying aughts red on the ground, just like my delicious visions. Fear jumped through my body as I heard one of the other jocks, "Kenny, Kenny where are you???" I bolted up and ran, ran as fast as I could, away from my lovely work. I just killed someone...and this won't be the last time....this deffinitly won't be the last time...there is still plenty to take care of...

Deadly silenceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें