Part 8

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I flung open the doors and walked in. Here goes nothing.

Once I walked through the lobby area, I arrived at my dads office room, where my kinky dream occurred last night...

I bolted through the doors. My heart, once pounding through my chest as if I could hear it, slowly calmed down. My dad turned around in his chair and greeted me with a smile. The whole office was busily working.

I let out an intense breath and my dad approached me saying, "What's wrong sweetie? You look like you just saw a ghost."

"No, I was just...nothing. It was nothing. Mom said she won't be able to feed me tonight, so..."

"Oh." My dad sighed. "I guess I'll just have to pick you up something-"

"But Josh is still taking me right?" I blurted out. I cowarded away after I said that so eagerly. Great way to come off subtly to your dad that you were thinking about an intense kiss with his employee and couldn't calm yourself down, Makayla....

"Yes." My dad laughed. "He has to. I will just give him some cash. Is that alrigh-"

"Yes. Y-yeah that fine I mean w-why wouldn't it be." I stuttered like an idiot.

"Are you sure you're alright?" He said jokingly. "Come on, you can sit at Melonies desk. She isn't here."

I nodded and followed his lead. I looked around me suspiciously for Josh. He was no where around...he must be in the factory area.

I sat at the desk I was led to and got on my phone. After a long time of waiting, I heard the doors fling open but I didn't care to look. I somehow figured it wasn't him.

All the sudden a voice boomed "Hey David." I turned around and there he was, in his tight uniform shirt he was so well known for. He glanced over at me with a cocky grin, as if he knew about my dream.

I turned back around as quick as I could. My heart was running a marathon, again.

My dad started talking to him about some assignments, I guess. "B-76 should be ready for shipment tomorrow. Make sure the paperwork is on my desk ASAP in the morning. We have a deadline coming up. D-12 is past due, you gotta get it together, Josh." My dad warned.

"Yes sir." Josh said respectively. "I will have everything completed by noon tomorrow."

"Make that 10 o'clock, if possible." My dad said.

I watched back and forth at the business conversation they were having. I didn't understand a single word of it but still.

"Yes sir, will do." Josh nodded.

My dad's serious face turned into a grin. "Okay, your free to go. Good work, Josh. Makayla's practice starts in half an hour. You know where you're going, right?"

"332 Johnstone Lane."

My dad nodded. "You did your homework! Drive safe. Make sure she's buckled!" He laughed.

"Dad." I said embarrassd through my teeth. "I'm not a kid."

"I know, sweetie. Have fun! Play good!" He smiled. "oh, is some money. Do you mind picking her up a bite to eat?"

Josh looked over at me and said smiling, "I don't think that will be a problem."

He took a twenty out of my dads hand and my dad nodded at us as we walked away, out the office doors and through the lobby.

He opened the lobby doors for me and I nodded at him with a smile and a polite "thank you."

As we were walking out, I tried to ease the tension by saying, "So my dad was pretty hard on you back there, huh..."

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