Chapter 100

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With that, he didn’t care about Madam Manoban’s reaction. He turned around and looked at Krystal coldly. “I remember telling you not to look for me here anymore. Did I not make things clear to you, or did you think I was joking?”

Krystal couldn’t help but shiver when she met his cold eyes.

She knew what Lisa said to her previously.

She was here today because Madam Manoban was with her.

She thought that even if she and Lisa were really on bad terms previously, they’d known each other for over 20 years. He couldn’t possibly treat her like a stranger.

But he didn’t leave her any face in front of Madam Manoban. She felt ashamed.

She bit her lip and forced a smile. “Lisa, are you still angry with me? I thought you’d be appeased after so many days.

“Didn’t you… say that out of anger?

“It’s not as if we’ve never quarreled before. You’ve also said angry words before. I-I’ve never taken it seriously.”

Although she said that, she knew very well that Lisa was just being spiteful.

She was just trying to save some face for herself.

Lisa’s eyes turned even colder. “Who told you that I said it out of anger? Do you think I can’t do anything to you just because you’re here with my mom? Krystal, don’t play these silly tricks. I’ve already made things clear to you. You have to know your place, don’t force me to say worse things.”

“What kind of attitude is this, how could you treat a girl like Krystal like this!” Madam Manoban grabbed Krystal’s hand and frowned. “Krystal grew up with you, and our Manoban family treats her like a daughter. You’re treating her like this because of some unimportant matters. Are you going to break ties with her?

“Lisa, what are you thinking? You’re my son, but I don’t understand you at all now. What’s wrong with you? You weren’t like this in the past.”

“Not something important?” Lisa looked at Krystal coldly. “So, you complained to Mom. Don’t you think what you’ve done is too much? Do you still feel aggrieved?”

“I didn’t…” Krystal looked afraid as she leaned towards Madam Manoban and grabbed her arm. “I didn’t complain to Aunt Manoban. Lisa, don’t be like this, I’m so scared…

“I know I did wrong, and I’ve apologized to you. I can even apologize to Jennie. As long as you can forgive me, I’m willing to do anything. But you’re not willing to give me a chance.

“I never thought of complaining to Aunt Manoban. I just felt that Aunt Manoban needed to know about our current relationship, so I told her about it. I didn’t lie to Aunt Manoban at all. I told her everything I did.

“If you don’t believe me, you can ask Aunt Manoban.”

“That’s right, Krystal told me all about it.” Madam Manoban patted the back of Krystal’s hand tenderly. “Krystal is in the wrong, but she already knows her mistake. She did it because she cares about you too much.”

“Can’t you just forgive her once?

“I don’t think she did anything unforgivable. If she didn’t like you and didn’t care about you, would she do that?

“Lisa, I brought her here this time because I hope you can reconcile with her. You’re a man, can’t you be more magnanimous? What’s wrong with competing with a girl? You’re even going to sever ties with her. Our Manoban family and the Jung family family family family have so much friendship, and the elders of both families are still doing well. You’re just a junior, how can you break ties with her? Aren’t you a joke?

I'm Secretly Married to a Bigshot [ JenLisa adaptation ]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें