Chapter 94

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She got out of bed and walked to the living room, only to see Lisa walking in carrying two bags.

He smiled and walked towards her.

He placed the bags on the table and pulled her into his arms. He then kissed her. “When did you wake up? Are you hungry? I bought breakfast. Have you washed up? If not, come out and have breakfast.”

Jennie stopped him. “No, I haven’t rinsed my mouth…”

“I don’t mind.” Lisa pulled her hand away and kissed her again. “My baby is always sweet and delicious.”

Jennie was speechless.

“You went downstairs to get breakfast?” She glanced at the bags.

“I even went to exercise. There’s a gym here. If you want to exercise, I can take you there.” Lisa rubbed her head and smiled when he saw the obvious hickeys on her neck.

They were specially made by him last night.

It was obvious.

“Uh, forget it.” Jennie was a lazy person, but fortunately, lazy people had good luck. She didn’t gain weight, and even if she didn’t strictly manage her figure, she’d never gained weight.

Hence, she had never been like other female celebrities who had very strict dietary control.

To her, if she had to control what she wanted to eat and hold back when she wanted to eat, what fun would there be in life?

That was all she wanted.

Food was one of her main goals.

Thankfully, Linda wasn’t strict with her diet and didn’t force her to eat anything.

Jennie was very satisfied with this.

Of course, she wasn’t someone without self-control. She didn’t want to restrict herself too much on her diet because she knew that she couldn’t gain weight. If she got fat, she definitely wouldn’t be able to do as she wished.

Lisa only mentioned it casually. Seeing that she wasn’t interested, he didn’t mention it again.

“I’ll go wash up.” Jennie let go of him. She could smell the seafood and suddenly felt hungry.

“Mm, go on.” Lisa rubbed her head. “I’ll bring breakfast out. Come out and eat after you’re done washing up.”


When Jennie went to the washroom to wash up, she saw the hickeys on her neck in the mirror.

She stood in front of the mirror and sighed helplessly.

This man…

He must have done it on purpose.

They had agreed to visit Tu Yilei at the hospital today.

Jennie had also thought that Tu Yilei wouldn’t be able to leave the hospital anytime soon. If she went to the hospital every day, it would be easy to get caught.

At that time, his fans would definitely be unhappy again.

Moreover, Taehyung had already informed them on set to keep quiet, so the news of Tu Yilei’s injury hadn’t spread yet.

She went to the hospital every day, so it was easy to expose it.

Just as Linda said, if Tu Yilei’s fans knew that she was the reason for his injury, she would probably be attacked by them.

I'm Secretly Married to a Bigshot [ JenLisa adaptation ]Where stories live. Discover now