Chapter 64

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In a bedroom on the second floor.

Madam Manoban was crying while on the phone with Krystal. “Krystal, you were right, this woman is so scheming. Old Madam loves her so much now and treats her like a biological granddaughter. No one else has any say.

“With Old Madam to back her up, she doesn’t even respect me as her mother-in-law.

“I think she’s going to trample all over me soon. I’ll lose my status in this household.”

Krystal said something on the other end, and Madam Manoban’s expression got even darker. She cried harder now.

“They won’t believe me now, they all think that I’m being unreasonable. Lisa is completely entranced by her. He’s always speaking up for her and never doubts or questions her at all. These women from uneducated families are the worst, they’re full of tricks up their sleeves. Lisa is exceptional in his work and it’s hard to find someone better than him. But he’s at such a disadvantage when it comes to relationships. He’s never had any experience in it, and now he’s being fooled by a scheming woman.

“How could my outstanding son be taken away by this sort of woman?

“Krystal, how nice it’d be if you were my daughter-in-law. Aunt Manoban would be so happy.” Madam Manoban wiped her tears as she said that.

On the line, a gentle voice said, “Aunt Manoban, don’t cry anymore, it’s not good for your health. Some things simply can’t be forced. If it was up to me, of course, I would… want to be Aunt Manoban’s daughter-in-law too. But… Lisa doesn’t feel that way towards me. What can I do besides giving him my blessings?

“Actually, Jennie must have some strengths too. Otherwise, why would Lisa like her so much? Aunt Manoban, if you try accepting her, perhaps you’d find that she isn’t as bad as you thought.”

“I will never accept her!”

Krystal’s persuasion did not work, and in fact, angered her further. She sneered and said, “What strengths could she have? She’s just casting a spell on my son with that pretty face of hers. It’s bad enough that she came from a bad family, she’s even studying in a film academy. Is she planning to act in the future or what?

“If she’s really going to be a performer, that’d be embarrassing the Manoban family. How could the Young Madam of the Manoban family be a performer.”

“But Aunt Manoban…” There was silence on the other end which signaled an intention to go on.

“What is it? Krystal, what are you saying?”

“I’m not sure if I should be saying this, but Aunt Manoban, what if she insists on joining the entertainment industry despite your disapproval? She’s been in a few shows before, as a calefare. But now with Brother Lisa as her backing, she could become a female lead anytime. Perhaps… she wouldn’t be able to resist such a temptation.”

Madam Manoban said coldly, “I will never accept that. The entertainment industry is so dirty. If she becomes a performer in the future, the Manoban family will become a laughing stock. If Lisa allows her to do something so disgraceful… I won’t let them off!”

“Aunt Manoban, don’t get angry. I’m just speculating. Now that she’s Brother Lisa’s wife, the Young Madam of the Manoban family, she probably won’t care for being an artiste anyway. Moreover, she should know that this would disgrace the whole Manoban family. I doubt she’ll disregard all of you.”

“Krystal.” Madam Manoban sighed and said regretfully, “If only you were my daughter-in-law, how nice that would be… I wouldn’t have to worry so much. You’re so good, so outstanding, why did Lisa…”

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