Chapter 91

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This was the funniest joke she’d heard this year.

Lisa actually thought of leeks as wheat.

She almost choked on her laughter when he said the word “wheatgrass”.

But even though she found it funny, she also found it normal.

It was normal for a rich young master like him, who grew up in a big city, to not know some vegetables.

But she still found it funny when she thought about how he mistook the chives for wheat sprouts.

“Ahem, this is chives.” Jennie held back her laughter and took the bag of chives out of the shopping cart. “There’s no chives in the food we made today. Forget it, why don’t you find a place to wait for me and I’ll go get the vegetables?”

She didn’t even know him.

He definitely didn’t know many other dishes.

Jennie felt that it was better for her to get the groceries quickly.

Lisa pursed his lips and looked a little unnatural. He kept quiet for a while before saying awkwardly, “I know vegetables. But this leek looks exactly like wheatgrass. I was wrong.

“Wait, I definitely won’t get it wrong again.”

Jennie didn’t believe him at all.

“Wait for me here, I’ll go get the groceries. I’ll be back soon, alright?” She reached out to push the shopping cart over. “Twenty minutes at most, no, ten minutes. Just wait for me for ten minutes.”

“I told you, it was just an accident.”

Lisa wanted to find a chance to make up for this mistake in front of the woman he loved.

He even got the wrong vegetables. Was Jennie looking down on him?

She felt like he didn’t even have the basic knowledge.

Lisa couldn’t tolerate being humiliated in front of his wife. No matter what, he had to turn the situation around.

He pushed the shopping cart forward and endured the unbearable smell. He looked around and finally picked a box of ribs.

As if to prove that it was really an accident, he held the box of ribs and said to her seriously, “This is ribs, I didn’t recognize it wrongly, right?”

Jennie was speechless.

Who could mistake ribs?

20 minutes later.

The two of them left the supermarket.

Lisa was carrying the bags, and Jennie followed him empty-handed. When they reached the underground garage and found their car, she looked at the man beside her putting the bags into the trunk one by one and suddenly felt a sense of bliss.

She’d thought that a man like Lisa wouldn’t like shopping at the supermarket.

She knew that he was a clean freak.

When she passed by the seafood stall, she saw him frowning. It was obvious that he couldn’t stand the smell.

But he endured it.

He didn’t have a single word of complaint or thought of leaving early.

Instead, he patiently waited for her to pick.

I'm Secretly Married to a Bigshot [ JenLisa adaptation ]Where stories live. Discover now