Chapter 13- Two Davies'

Start from the beginning

It's fair to say that I now feel like utter shit.


As we trotted back onto the farm, everyone came out of the house and had both looks of relief and confusion on their face- I'm guessing it was because of Jake because Beth, Hershel and Jimmy all shared the look of relief and yet lacked the confusion.

We tied the horses up in the stables and made our way back towards the farm house. Carl was of course the first to run up to me. He had tears in his eyes which became more prominent when I fell to my knees and embraced him in a hug.

"I'm so sorry for leavin' after I'd promised you I'd be at breakfast Carl but I'll never leave you again- not without warnin' you first, I promise" I mumbled quietly so only he could hear these words.

"I thought you'd died!" Carl sobbed into my shirt, now stained with his tears.

"I'm fine, look at me, I'm fine" I lulled into his ear as I tired to calm him down.

While all this was going on, Maggie kindly introduced Jake to the group. Once Carl had stopped crying, we both stood up and Carl went to say hi to Jake whilst I, on the other hand, went to deal with a moping Walsh.

"Alright, before you say it, I shouldn' of run off- I'm sorry" I grumbled, kicking the dirt on the floor that was apparently a lot more interesting to look at as opposed to Shane's face.

"Sweetheart, ya'll got nothin' to be sorry for- I'm the one that kicked off so I'm sorry, if you wanna fuck the redneck then I guess it ain't any of my business" Although it wasn't much in the way of an apology- I took it, I knew it was the best I'd be getting, especially from Shane.

"If it makes you feel any better, we didn't" I said, finally looking up at him.

"It sounds pretty shitty but it does, thanks" Shane admitted.

"Other than you two, is there anyone else I owe an apology for makin' them worry?" I asked, trying to ensure I had all my bases covered.

"Only Beth and Hershel, they knew you'd be fine but were still concerned 'cause they're family and all. The rest of the group knew you could hold your own so weren't too worried. They also had enough faith in the fact that they knew if anythin' did happen to you, Daryl would kill the son of a bitch" He joked

"Yeah, I guess he would" I smiled

"I would too you know" Shane admitted sheepishly as I walked up the stairs of the porch. I paused and smiled at him before continuing into the farmhouse to see what the rest of the group were doing.

As I walked through the front door I was imminently pulled onto the sofa by Glenn and had my bones crushed for the next two minutes via a hug.

"As cute as this is, breathin' is becoming an issue" I choked. Glenn finally released and I deeply inhaled after not being able to do so for the past couple of minutes.

"I thought you were dead you bitch!" Glenn joked

"Nah, you can't get rid of me that easy Rhee" I winked.

"That's a shame, I was looking forward to comforting Maggie"

"You sicken me" I chuckled, knowing he was joking- well, hoping anyway.

After a quick chat with Glenn, I decided to try my chances of rekindling last night's magic with Daryl and made a passing remark about it to Glenn. As I stood up, my eyes locked with Daryl's who stood only two feet away, I was so distracted by Daryl that I completely missed what Glenn was saying and jumped when he jokingly slapped my ass- I'm guessing it was something about getting laid and shit.

I was just about to ask him to repeat what he has said but no sooner had I turned to ask, Glenn found a fist in his face- not Daryl's but, of course, Jake's.


I'm SO sorry for not updating! Exams are over in three weeks though so you guys will get spams of updates ;)


~What is the group going to think of Jake after this outburst?

~Could Daryl have some competition for Beca's heart?

~Has Glenn made an enemy anyone after this action?

~And of course, the big question- who is not going to die?!


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