The Order

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Harper's POV ~

i hate exams... it's just a bundle of stress and frankly it makes me want to throw myself of the roof of the bloody school

But you know what sucks even more, my ex is right in front of me with his stupid perfect hair and i can smell the cologne i got him.

right anyway... maths, i suck at maths, i just don't get it, english, potions, DADA and music i'm amazing at but maths, it makes me want to fucking die... i'm about to hand my self over to the dark lord if it mean i don't need to doing fucking Volume... when i'm i ever going to use this

Please some one save me... please


Draco turns around to face me and i just shrug and look away

oh there goes pinky pie, god her heals are ugly

is that a fire work... no fucking way

"OH MY GOD!!" i yell with happiness

"their crazy" Harry says

"Bloody brilliant... HA look at Malfoy" Ron says as a fire work chases him

"READY FRED?" George asks

"READY WHEN YOU ARE!" Fred says back and then throw fire works that take the shape of a dragon and start to chase Umbitch out of the exam room... i love those boys so much

The twins fly out and everyone starts running over them and everyone is just cheering

"Harry... Harper" Voldemort whispers in ours heads and we both fall too the group

"GUYS!" Ron yells catching me in him arms and i can feel Mione placing her hand on my head but everything sounded... i don't know how to describe it but it feels blurry

"i need that Prophecy." Voldemort says to... Sirius

"you'll have to kill me." Sirius says back

"Oh, i will-- but first you will fetch it for me... Crucio" Voldemort says to our god father and we both snap out of it

"Guys, what wrong" Mione ask us.

"He has him" Harry says shocked

"who has who" Ron ask

"Voldemort has Sirius... he gonna kill him Harry come one" i say and we leave


"Guys are use sure?!" Mione asks us

"We saw it!" we both say as the four of us run up the moving stairs

"It's just like with your dad Ron, Same door, Same walls, Same everything!" I say to them and Harry nods

"The think Voldemort didn't have the last time is in the department of mysterious... we need to find and save Sirius NOW!" harry says

"Guys listen to me, what if Voldemort ment for use to see this what if he's only hurting Sirius because he wants to get to use and Harper powers" Mione says

"well what if he is, Mione he's the only family we have left, we can't just leave him there to die" Harry and i say.

"what do we do" Ron asks

"We'll have to use the Floo network" i say

"But Umbridge's has all the chimney under Surveillance" Mione says

"not al of them" Harry says as we walk over to Umbitch's office

"Alohomora" Harry says pointing him want at the locked door

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