Maybe the divorce will affect it a little, I doubt anyone cares that much.

If I have my way I'll be divorced in three months, she doesn't know that yet. Whenever she shows up here she'll find out, she'll get her settlement like I promised but she will get nothing from me. She doesn't deserve shit from me, not even the amount I promised her. But I will stick to my word.

I mean I could take it away, God I've been wanting to for so long. I just feel weird trying to do it, maybe she'd counterclaim or something and I'd lose more money. Don't really like the idea of doing that.

I open the front door to leave, maybe I'll sell this house after the divorce. I plan to stay in Toronto until I retire, that sounds ideal actually. I look at the front gates, she's driving one of my fucking cars. She has her own fucking car.

I feel myself tense up when she stops after noticing me. I hate this, I hate her.

No, no I don't.

But I want to, I cannot care for her like I used to. I don't love her as much as I did, she ruined everything. She once told me I made her happier than she ever had been before, I wonder what happened to that.

She steps out the car, she doesn't look any different. Except her hair is a little messy. It's not hard to guess what she's been doing this morning. "What are you doing here?"

I scoff, shaking my head at her. "It's my house, no?"


"There's a gift on the coffee table, you'll want to see that." I cannot wait for her to see it, even though I won't physically I'll see it in phone calls before I'm getting on the next plane back to Canada.

"Don't be an asshole, Aiden." She rolls her eyes, walking past me. She smells like a guy. I start laughing, I'm laughing at her and how fucking ridiculous she is. "That's rich coming from you."

"No, Aiden you are being a dick."

"Enlighten me, Rose. How am I being a dick? I know you feel all high and mighty because you've had on inside you this morning. But please tell me, I'd like to know."

She inches closer to the door, pushing it open. "That's not fair."

"No, you know what's not fair. Coming home after two weeks away from you so fucking desperate to see you. To find you in our bed with someone else. Did you ever actually stop for a minute to think that doing that would be wrong. We were dating, Rose. You don't fucking do that." I'm not shouting at her, I don't shout. Not even now, I'd like to but I won't.

"You're being unreasonable."

I cut her off, I'm done listening to her. Quite frankly she's pissing me off, what she's saying doesn't make sense to me at all. How am I being unreasonable? "I'm done with you now, I have everything I need with my career."

She shakes her head at me. "You know that you'll only go back to your old habits, don't try forget what I've done for you." Her tone is bitter and I don't care for it.

"I'll have you know that since I left for Canada I haven't even thought about it. I'm completely sober and I fully intend to stay sober."

"I'm done with this conversation now." She says, brushing me off.

"Good, me too. Make sure to check the coffee table." I head over to my car, checking it for scratches before heading to my other one so I can drive it to the airport. She slams the door shut, I can see her in the window in the living room. Her reaction is honestly comical.

It's fucking hilarious.

I've waited to see that for weeks, now I have it I'm satisfied and I intend on getting out of here before she can catch up with me. I slide into my car and speed down the driveway. She's not catching up with me and I'm not having this argument in public.


"You are completely certain you want this divorce?" Quinn asks me again, for maybe the fifth time? I'm not keeping track anymore.

I put the phone on speaker, focusing on driving. "She fucked someone else Quinn, I won't stand for that."

"I have to say I wasn't expecting this." She mutters, before I hear shuffling noises in the background. I won't question it right now but if I hear it again I will.

I sigh. "Neither was I. Please just let this happen, I need this."

"I'll get this sorted for you, okay? Please just stay sober." Fucking hell how many times do I have to say that I'm still sober before people get it in their heads. "Quinn I've been sober for a year and a half. I'm fine."

"I know, I just want you to be careful." She reiterates. 

"I plan on it, just let me know when and where I need to be, yeah?"

"I will." She says before I hand up the phone, groaning and resting my head on my seat. I'm definitely getting a migraine now. I hated today and I'm so fucking happy to be home.

I'm even happier now that I'm finally getting my fucking divorce.

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