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"You are not alone"

If you feel lost and alone in this world
Searching for significance and worth
Feeling like you're the only one struggling
I need you to know, you are not alone

There are millions of us, just like you and me
Who know the depths of pain and agony
Who have felt the weight of the world on our shoulders
And struggled to find our place as we grow older

But in our darkest moments, we found the light
We discovered the power of self-love and insight
We learned to embrace our flaws and imperfections
And to see ourselves as worthy of affection

So when you feel lost and unsure of your way
Remember that you too can find a brighter day
You too can embrace the journey of self-discovery
And learn to love yourself with fierce, unwavering loyalty

Because just like you, millions of us have found the way
To overcome the darkness and embrace the day
To see ourselves as worthy of love and compassion
And to create a life of joy, peace, and satisfaction.


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