chapter5 {we can send you to Hogwartsthe same year as your brother}

Start from the beginning

"Wait! What!? You can talk to them?" The green eyes shot open under the old hat. He had thousands of questions. Nevertheless the sorting hat didn't want to answer him.

"Slyderin.." The worn hat's yell brought silence to the noisy great hall. Everyone was in shocked some hands were stuck in the middle of the air and some mouths were stayed open like they forgot what they were saying.

The professor standing near the stool came to her senses sooner than others thus she took the hat off of the young boy. In other hand Harry was disappointed to not gaining any answer from that hat; he stood and walk towards the table with green ties. No cheers this time. He ternd his head back to see the teachers' reaction. Dumbledore's hand was pouring the drink in his goblet on his silvery long beard. Hagrid mouth was wide open, you could see his uvula. The most hilarious one was Snape's his expression was like some one had just vomited on him. Next to him he could see a shocked mucking smirk on the face of professor Quirrell, which Harry didn't know was even a thing.

Harry Potter an Slyderin sat at the snakes' table. The population of Hogwarts was still processing what just happened thanks to the twin redheaded sarcastic shout at Slyderins "You stole Harry Potter. ", came out of shock.

The slytherins applauded loudly, they seemed happy about it; they clap with pride and pleasure of beating the other houses.

"Welcome to the snake dent, Harry ." One of the perfects said welcoming him to the house, Harry didn't know him.

"Well who would have thought the boy who lived was an snake ." Pansy joked after she sat at the table.

"That's not much of a surprise." Theodore objection earned him a bad look form the girl sitting next to him. "He didn't look like a Gryffindor from the start." He tried to explain himself to the bob cut girl.

"What is more surprising is " Draco paused to gain the attention of the fighting due. "He is the very first Potter who isn't a lion." He gave a wining eye to the due. Harry couldn't understand the rivalry here however he's going to support his baby brother in this ridiculous matter.

For him what was more surprising was him a Malfoy was in the Gryffindor for six years; such a harried story . His parents could have gained a heart attack if they knew.

Inside a large library was a young child with silvery blond hair reading an old first addition book named 'Hogwart A History'. He shut the book close after he finished the last page. The boy jumped off the small chair designed for him and ran out of the library to ask his mom the new questions he had after reading this book.

"Mommy which house you wele in when you wele at Hogwats; hum?" Asked an adorable almost_two_year_old speeding to his mother's arms coming out of nowhere.

The mother embraced his eldest tightly. "Hmm.. How did you learn about Hogwarts, sweetie? "

"I lead a book about it." The blond boy answered innocently.

The blue eyes of the woman shook, she hadn't believed her son was no ordinary son even for a magical family, or better to say she didn't want to believed. As long as there was a war, the breaking news of one of the pure blood families having a son who is a prodigy in magic and probably the second coming of Merlin, they could easily take her beloved son from her and the thought of she would never see her son again, made here to think of her son as a normal boy. Yet every time her son proved to be be a genius, she was forced to face the truth.

"I was at Slyderin." She spoke absent minded.

"Wow, what house do you think I'll be in?" The pale blue eyes of the boy were excitedly looking at the woman in front of him.

The woman caressed her son, kissing his forehead. "You my little snake.." She stopped for a second and then continued "Well I'm not sure; you are the smartest and kindest boy I've ever seen. You will make a smart Ravenclaw or a very kind Hufflepuff if you won't be a Slyderin. Like me and your dad."

"Can I stay hele and don't go to school? " The boy asked while melting in his mother's warm embrace.

"Yes of course you can stay with us forever." Yes they could stay together; they just needed to flee to a safer country. She decided, they had to leave to stay together. She made a mental note to bring it up with her husband.

"What if dlagon wants to go there and I won't be there?" He asked in a low voice, before his mother could answer, his blue voice came to her ears. "I'll be so sad and I can't see him fol long time."

She stood up and carried her son to the nursery while comforting him. " We can send you to Hogwarts the same year as your brother." She didn't knew if that was even possible but they had time to come up with a solution.

"Leally?" Asked the boy excitedly looking nothing like a second ago when he was almost crying.

"Yes, really, my little snake." She smiled at her son's antics as she walked to the small baby in the nursery.

"Hi, dlagon good aftelnoon to you too." The older boy bent to cache the small hand of his younger brother. He turned to his mom saying. "Can I hold him, pleasssse?"

She could never say no to those pleading pale blue eyes. She took up the baby with her free hand and gave the baby to the young boy and support them so thay wouldn't fall.

" let's go welcoming your dad, shall we boys?" She made her way toward the entrance of the manor.

The elder brother shouted loud for both of them. "Yes."

Harry was polled out of the memory by food appearing in front of him. Apparently when he was trapped in one of few good memories he had, Blaze had sorted and sorting ceremony was over as well as the Headmaster's 'impressing' welcoming speech.

Harry toke a dissent amount of food like the others and started to eat solemnly. He missed his mother's peaceful hugs, his father's proud eyes, his little brother's calling him big bro, he missed his family. He couldn't let his family to get hurt because of two maniac fighting for power.

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