8. Ukraine - Freedom

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TW: politics, war. Hopefully this won't be too triggering, but I make no promises, given current events. That being said, if anything stated here is incorrect or in some way offensive, please tell me!

Also, despite the context of this, this was not written to hurt or offend any Russians reading this.

To those who see the truth, my deepest respect. To those who have fallen victim, my deepest condolences.

It was quiet. Too quiet. For the first time in over a year, Ukraine sat on the front step of her house, gazing mournfully at the stars. This peace wouldn't be permanent, she knew; all it meant was that another day, another time, the fighting would begin again, worse than ever. Ukraine had long since given up on shaking these thoughts from her mind; there was no point evading the truth anymore.

Still, she took what little joy she could get, breathing in the ice-cold midnight air and allowing her eyes to flutter closed for a second. It was strange, she thought, being sat out here alone, surrounded by peace, yet enveloped in danger. Tragic, really...

The bitter night air seemed to mourn the dead alongside her, a gentle salute to the lives lost.

So many innocent lives lost...

All because of him. Her own brother.

Except, no. He was no brother of hers anymore. He was a traitor, a murderer, of both her people and his own. How could he do this?

How could anyone?

Greed. Pure hatred and greed, that was all there was to it. But hatred never wins, not ever.

Does it?

Of course not, it can't possibly! Destroying himself from the inside out, that was all Russia's regime could possibly be do to him. Already, his people were beginning to awaken to the harsh reality of the war...


Shaking her head to clear her mind, Ukraine abruptly reopened her eyes, blinking back the water desperate to spill from them. It was late, too late for such pressing issues. Of course she was worried, there was no escaping that for now, but there was no point craving days long past, what good could that truly bring to her?

She would phone NATO in the morning. For now, she ought to try and sleep. Tomorrow, it was straight back to the usual routine of plotting crucial defences; no matter what, her people would be protected by her for as long as physically possible. Forever, she hoped.

She would be here forever.

They would be here forever. Free of tyranny, free of war: that was her dream.

Ukraine swore that dream would become reality.

Ukraine doesn't break promises.

Cлава Україні.

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