5. UN - World Peace Day

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At last! The most amazing day of the year!

I woke up at quarter to three that morning, immediately jumping out of bed and rushing across my fluffy, sky-coloured carpet and throwing open the curtains opposite my bed. The stars were so pretty; they glittered and shone like the little lights that time there was a power cut during my weekly meeting and everyone just pulled out their phones, turned on Torch Mode and spammed the group chat instead of listening to my climate change speech.

Good times, eh?

I'm sure they cared deep down... Probably. Maybe.

Eventually, after flicking on my bedside lamp, I changed out of my rainbow unicorn onesie into my usual work uniform, fully aware that there was no way I could possibly get back to sleep on my favourite day of the entire year! As usual, I skipped down the spiral staircase, occasionally sliding down the banister when my legs started hurting. That didn't go too well for me, as I ended up falling off at the bottom of the tower, crashing into the sofa opposite. That hurt quite badly, in fact, I still have a headache as I write this, but at least it was one of those squishy, comfy sofas that feels all cuddly! It's my favourite type of sofa, actually!

I felt bad after that particular fall, because I made a bit too much noise and EU ended up storming down the stairs after me, looking really tired and irritable. Poor EU... I hope she stops staying up until midnight doing paperwork, it isn't healthy...

"What in the name of the Geneva Convention are you doing?" Euro grumbled, brushing her sapphire hair out of her eyes to make it easier to glare at me.

"Err... sitting... on the floor... upside-down..." I giggled, hoping I wasn't in too much trouble.

"Get up, then!" EU sighed, expression softening as she offered me her hand.

Hugging my big sort-of-sister, I asked, smiling, "Can I make pancakes? Pleaaasssseeeee?"

"Ja I guess so."

"Thank you, Big Sis!" I exclaimed, hugging her again and dashing into the kitchen.

"Just be careful!" she called after me. "And I'm not your sister!"

"Yes you are!" Well, she isn't really my sister, but she acts like she is. I think of all of the organisations as my siblings. It's like we are family, but were separated at birth by an evil witch or a crazy gnome, and then we found each other without knowing...

"The pancakes are on fire!"


Anyway, I said that to the Permanent Five during our weekly meeting one time. We were supposed to be discussing Climate Change, but we finished early that day, so we ended up discussing the other organisations...

"Put the pancakes out! Quick!"

America said I sounded like a child; UK said I sounded like America...


"Sorry!" I shouted, returning to reality and pouring my cup of hot chocolate over the flames. It kind of did the job, but the pan sizzled quite a lot and the house smelled really weird afterwards. During all of that chaos, everyone was awoken by the fire alarms and rushed down to see what was going on, though FBI just turned over and went back to sleep again.

FBI is crazy... He's so cool too! He had this vest thing that looks like camouflage and loads of face painting stuff, especially green stuff, and a belt with pockets in it for sci-fi weapons to stop the bad guys...

"It's four in the morning," UNESCO - my actual sister - groaned, "You do know it's World 'Peace' Day, not World 'Set Everything On Fire In The Middle Of The Night' Day, right?"

"Sorry... I just wanted pancakes... I got distracted... I get distracted a lot, usually by myself, actually. Remember when we were talking about the German economy, then I started talking about Bratwursts? That was a nice meeting!"

"You're doing it again, Uni." ASEAN grimaced, patting me on the shoulder. Of course, I gave him a massive hug, which I think scared him a bit, but he patted me on the back so I think that's a good thing! He made me pancakes in the end. He's good a pancakes. He's good at most food, actually, now that I think about it. Well, except burgers, those are NATO's thing. Ame taught him, I think...

About an hour later, it was work time! I had the best PowerPoint I'd ever made! I knew the nations would love it! I even used Transitions! I didn't know how to do effects and stuff before last night, so naturally, I used all of them once I found out how to do it! Now everything spins, fades and makes fun noises, and I put a gif on every single slide I made! It's so cool! Commonwealth said it was unprofessional, but she has a posh accent and a monocle, so she has to be professional.

I think the effects make me like the 'cool guy' of the world. I want to be the 'cool guy'! 'Cool guys' are... cool and... stuff! I can be cool and stuff! Yeah, I'm the 'cool guy' organisation now! In fact-

"C'mon, get in the car!" NATO grinned, grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the kitchen, through the porch and into the back seat of his pick-up truck. "Now, we'll have to go the undercover route, if we want to make it to the office by 0700 hours-"

"But work is ten minutes away!" I confusedly told him.

Sighing, he murmured, "...I'll just drive."

Today is going to be the best, I can feel it! And now, it's about to begin!

And have a nice day too, if you're reading this! (:

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