Sapphire: Leave that to Obito and I. You ready?

Obito: Yup!

Obito reaches into his pouch behind his back and pulls out two wrapped up balls and gives his team a thumbs up before throwing them over the rock they were hiding behind and the balls exploded and covered the arena in smoke.


Sapphire: Nice. Obito and I will take the girls while Dante, you deal with the dude with the machine gun.

Dante: Assault rifle.

Sapphire: I don't care. Dom, you got their sniper right?

Dominic: An easy target.

Obito: Okay! Ready? Break!!

The four boys jump out of cover as the smoke began to clear up and Warren fired off a few shots at Dante who was charging at Alvin but Dante would either dodge the shots, or shoot the bullets out of the air.

Warren: That's..impossible!

Prof. Port: Ho ho! It looks like young Dante is showing off his skills as a marksman!

Dr. Oobleck: Yes Peter, it would seem that Mister Dante has an unnatural ability for using firearms! So much so that he can shoot young Warrens bullets out of the air with little effort!

Alvin: I'm still here you idiot!!

Alvin unloaded his rifle towards Dante but yet again, Dante shoots each bullet out of the air as he makes his way towards Alvin and Dante pulls Rebellion from his back and swings it downwards onto Alvin who activated his semblance in response to Dante's attack and Rebellion bounced off of the purple over shield around Alvin's body.

Alvin: Gotcha~

A cocky smirk grows on Alvin's face as he transforms his assault rifle into an axe that he used to strike Dante across the chest and the hit sends Dante back a couple of feet

Dante:*grunt* Okay..! So you can take a hit. Fine then. I guess I'll just have to hit you harder!!

Both boys swung their weapons at each other and clashed them together many times during their duel. Though Alvin's axe was lighter than the Rebellion, that doesn't mean Dante can't be fast with it. Every time Dante made contact with Alvin, he activated his semblance to take the force of the hit and all Dante did was push him back a tiny bit before he counters with a quick swing of his axe.

Sapphire and Obito were both dealing with their own problems as the two female members of team WARD were well versed in the art of teamwork as they both swapped opponents seemingly at random which threw off the young leader of team ODDS.

Blocking a heavy hit from Diane and her war hammer, Obito was sent flying back into a rock.

Obito: Guah!

Sapphire: Obito!

Diane: Pay attention idiot!!

Sapphire blocks and sidesteps a flurry of attacks from both Diane and Raegan by spinning Cerberus around his body before jumping back from the girls and thrusting the three heads of Cerberus into the ground which sent out a line of ice spikes at the girls which they dodged and ran beside the wall of ice towards Sapphire who then proceeded to slam the weapon to the ground, surrounding himself in a wall of ice that blocks away the attacks thrown at him by the girls before it shatters, sending ice shards everywhere.

Reagan slices one of the shards coming at her and was taken by surprise when Sapphire came right at her with a 5 piece combo (no biscuit) and hit her multiple times in the chest by wrapping the chains of Cerberus around his arm and punching forward with the chains spinning around his arm like a fan, hitting Reagan multiple times before finishing her off by slamming the three heads of Cerberus into the ground creating ice spikes that shoot out from underneath Reagan and send her flying up only for her to be wrapped up by a steel wire that came from Obito who channels his semblance through the wire which began to heat up as he pulls back on it and spins Reagan around before slamming her into the ground, creating an explosion on impact that damages her aura immensely.

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