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"Idiot!" Jean is restraining me as I try to get away from the three Paradisians

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"Idiot!" Jean is restraining me as I try to get away from the three Paradisians.

"Let me go, Porco needs me!" I yell at them all, tears in my eyes. "You guys don't get it! He's my friend! Let me go, I didn't agree to this!"

There's a type of sympathy in Jean's eyes I hadn't seen before. He lets me go, and I instantly stand up and pull the rod out of my stomach, crying out in pain.

But I toss it aside, ignoring the river of blood that streams down my legs and onto the roof.

Reiner is stood behind Eren now, his Titan looks different than what I remember. A devastation fills me to the brim and I realize that if I fight, I will have to choose between Eren and Reiner.

Jean is wrapping something around my abdomen, and I realize he's taken off his shirt, his gear on the ground. He's tying it as tight as he can, securing it in place using his mouth and his two hands. He pulls on the sleeve using his mouth. Hard.

"That should slow down the bleeding," he tells me, standing up. "Be fucking careful." He says into my ear, his hand lingering on the shirt he tied on my waist.

Sasha fastens ODM gear onto my back and arms, Connie helping her out.

"We know you suck with the gear but this is newer equipment, it should be really easy to use," Jean informs me. "We'll still be covering you the whole time."

"I need to cover my face," I tell them. "They can't know who I am or they'll hurt my friends."

Jean nods understandingly and retrieves a small black handkerchief from his pocket. The handkerchief has a golden M on the corner. He covers the lower half of my face with it and ties it up at the back of my head.

Knowing nothing about the new ODM gear, I leap down from the back of the roof where there are no soldiers. And using the anger in my blood, I muster up a blade similar to the ones we used on Paradis. But this ones clear, blood in the handles like the knife I created nights ago. And it's protruding from the gun-like part of the ODM gear.

It takes time for me, but in the real world, it took no time at all.

Ignoring the bleeding in my palms, I use the ODM gear and fly towards Reiner and Eren.

Porco is clutched tightly in Eren's hand. I swoop down with one single motion, slicing off Eren's titan's hand that held Porco.

Eren's eyes are on me. And Mikasa is by his side. He doesn't attack me. Instead, he roars as he charges at Reiner, decking him in the jaw with the hand he has left. It sends Reiner flying back and the ground shakes.

I land beside Porco, slicing him open and removing his weak body. He's bloody, his eyes wide open and looking at me in terror.

And I carry him towards Reiner, dropping my weapon so I can hold him properly and use the gear with my other hand.

hate me - eren jaeger [DISCONTINUED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu