Sayaka nodded happily. Soleste exited the glass house.

    Kirari took her cellphone and started calling their family doctors to arrange complete medical examinations as well as the brain mapping to determine if Sayaka had latent autism. Sayaka went back to her room to change out of her uniform. Kirari followed. Sayaka requested Kirari not to invade her room too often, to which Kirari complained that she wished Sayaka hadn't healed as now she was back to her old habits of calling them by their professional titles and keeping a safe distance.

    Ririka spent most of her time in the basement. The underwear she kept of Sayaka's was a constant reminder to her that she needed to retrieve her memories of what happened between them two years ago in that Bami jet plane. She waited many days for Mary Saotome to get her act together but to no avail...for now. Kirari and Ririka decided on going to Amsterdam for their trip together as twins while Sayaka spent time with her family.

    When they reconvened, their affection and commitment to each other as a trio was stronger than ever. Still, Sayaka's refusal to flirt or even be physically affectionate with Kirari was a constant reminder of her wager with Ririka two years ago. There were days that Kirari had been so sexually frustrated that she took to watching the video of their one night of passion more often. Ririka continued to study in her grandmother's book of spellcraft, with no luck. Only time would tell what direction their interests in each other were.

    A month later, Doctor Soleste requested more tests as she detected something different about Sayaka's brains and lungs as well as her bloodwork.

    Kirari called her phone, "Doctor, I got your text message...should I be worried?"

    "I don't know what to seems that...Sayaka is not...a normal human being."


    "I can't say for sure...but she appears to have a cervical rib--an extra rib on her left side plus a third lung. Its quite strange why it wasn't detected earlier. From its growth, I'd say the extra lung, not the rib, was probably just about that time when she first drowned and was resuscitated. So maybe...three or four years ago while she was in middle school? Also, something is strange about her amygdala, its split into four parts. Its highly unusual. Lastly, the DNA analysis you ordered for her from Switzerland is...inconclusive. Its as if she has all of what we normally have...and then some. They've actually been calling me, asking me if the patient is willing to submit herself for further study to which I declined. I know these types of people."

    Kirari was speechless for a good few minutes, "Doctor...what can I do?"

    "Nothing. I don't know if I can do something as well. I will need to consult with someone else about this. This is...this is beyond my expertise. But I know a few colleagues who can be discreet about this. I'm not giving up. I'm just saying this is beyond me. All I can say for now is...don't let her drown again. It seems like she has a family history of multiple drowning incidents according to her personal file."

    "I'll make sure of it, Doctor Sasaki."

    "I will let you know when I can finally find the right people to study this case. I can omit her name in her records so that it remains private."

    "Thank you so much, its highly appreciated. Should I share this with Ririka?"

    "Absolutely. Also, the good news. She doesn't have latent autism. Her brain mapping and neurological scans don't show it, for now at least. She still has PTSD, ADHD and OCD. She's out of the woods for latent dysphemia, I don't detect any in our conversations. Whatever makes her what she is probably has something to do with the strangeness of her biological make-up. There's also something I can't figure out. All her biological records indicate she has black eyes from birth. Why its suddenly purple is something I can't explain medically. How long ago was this, I don't know."

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