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    Kirari, Ririka, and Sayaka were seated across from Doctor Soleste Sasaki at the glass house. They were all smiles, dressed in their school uniforms.

    "So let me get this straight. You two fell 5 stories down into a crash mat?"

    All three of them answered yes. Then Kirari said, "That was a year ago."

    "That was yesterday for Sayaka and I," Ririka replied.

    "Okay now. These are my recommendations. Sayaka, I want a complete physical check-up, including a brain mapping scan. Only after I review your complete medical and brain scan will I recommend drugs and vitamins. I normally don't prescribe medication off the bat. I always start with what can be resolved with communication and good interpersonal relationship first. The drugs come last, and normally with my track record, its only for a few weeks and no more than that. Sayaka, I insist you get out of your school uniform, take a vacation and go see your family. As for you two, out of your uniforms too and you need to spend time as sisters where it doesn't involve work in school as well. All three of you are not to go back to school until a month later. Are we clear?"

    They all answered in unison.

    "Doctor, how much are you charging us?"

    "Nothing. I consider giving me and my immediate family the security detail as payment. Its for life, isn't it? Or at least up until I'm dead. But just the feeling of having someone watch our backs for safety reasons is more than enough compensation. Also, I can serve as part of the board of directors for your new clinic at Hyakkaou."

    "You are amazing, Doctor Sasaki," Kirari smiled.

    "Ah, you're all not off the hook yet. I'd like to see all three of you at least three times a year. And, I'd like Kirari and Sayaka to start developing a close friendship before anything progresses further. You're to respect Sayaka when she wants her distance and space."

    "Consider it done," Kirari smiled sadly.

    "Thank you for giving me the responsibility of presenting Sayaka with risks, Doctor. I couldn't have done what I did yesterday without you. I'll never forget it."

    "We're not out of the woods yet. I want Sayaka to follow the dieticians instructions, no skipping out on meals. I will also still need to evaluate Sayaka's physical and neurological checkups," Soleste stood up and shook hands with all three of them, "You can send me a copy of Sayaka's medical examinations at my office."

    "We will hand it over personally and not send it via e-mail, Doctor. For safety reasons," Kirari said.

    "Perfectly understandable," She said as she gathered her things. Then, before she left, she gave Sayaka a hug which the young girl reciprocated, "Anytime you need to talk to me, call me okay? I'll be like a mother to you."

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