Behind Closed Door #12

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    Ririka was at her basement, mixing a powerful hybrid sedative  hallucinogen

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

    Ririka was at her basement, mixing a powerful hybrid sedative hallucinogen. Kirari had requested it last year as it was very difficult for her to fall asleep on the night of her anniversary with Sayaka. Feeling guilty for having wiped Sayaka's memory of their one night of passion, Ririka would always oblige Kirari for this. She had inherited this formula from her grandmother, also a twin and the younger of the two, along with an entire handwritten book of spellcraft with a section devoted to medicinal elixirs. And of course, she also had to test it on herself on the night before to see if it was safe to take. Last year's batch had been toxic, leaving Kirari in a foul mood for the next three days after their anniversary. She experimented on the new dosage before taking it.

    She walked up to Kirari's attic where she would sleep in her brown leather sofa bed and be able to see Sayaka and Kirari on the surveillance monitor. She set her cellphone as an alarm clock and placed it on her bedside. Already, she was feeling the initial effects of the drug she mixed. Grogginess overtook her as she slumped on top of Kirari's bed and immediately fell into a deep sleep, dreaming.

    In  her drunken stupor, her mind wandered, released of all its inhibitions

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

    In her drunken stupor, her mind wandered, released of all its inhibitions. She didn't know if she was dreaming or if she had a glimpse into an alternate universe. They were in Italy as druglords running a network of operatives that covered half of Europe. In Ririka's mind, the twins were Noel and Leon Terranova and one of their bodyguards was Kaya D'Amato. Noel had seduced her into the dark side, hiring her straight off the Carabinieri. Kaya had taken the offer because in spite of the many cases she had solved, they refused to promote her and kept her in the same rank with no hope of moving up. And now, working for the Terranovas who had much of the judges, police, and military in their pockets, Kaya had their top-brass under her heels.

    Leon often left Noel to run their nightly operations so that he could steal Kaya away to the Venetian Lagoon where their private island Ottagono Alberoni was. It was 10 kilometers away from Venice and quite a trip on a speedboat. And most often, especially on moonlit nights, Leon couldn't wait to ravage Kaya before they got to their destination. In the beginning, Kaya had been very professional, refusing Noel and Leon's advances. But in Ririka's mind, she was Leon, the one Kaya could no longer resist.

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