Behind Closed Door #7

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    Doctor Soleste had a notepad at her lap and a pen poised to write notes

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    Doctor Soleste had a notepad at her lap and a pen poised to write notes. Her NDA agreement included that she was not to take any videos or digital records of the interviews. She had to go the old-fashioned way of pen and paper. Wearing a yellow summer dress, she was seated on the expensive rattan furniture that Ririka had ordered for their sessions in the glass house. There was a table between the rattan chairs. It was a unique piece made from the trunk of a mahogany, the slab had a glass on top to match its odd shape. Resting on it were folders that contained Sayaka's medical history obtained from her parents as well as the personal file and complete physical checkup provided by the twins. Soleste had sat in the cool glass house that was tinted in both green and light grey. She was surrounded by various exotic and expensive plants reading those files and making notes before Kirari made her appearance two hours later. Behind Kirari was her butler who rolled in a tea tray, warm milk and water for the doctor as well as delectable cakes. After the butler parked the tray, he left them alone.

    "Shall we begin?" Doctor Soleste asked Kirari who was casually sipping tea. She was dressed in her presidential school uniform.

    "Surely! I apologize for the delay, I had to take care of a few things at school."

    "Oh its no problem, I spent time productively reading all of miss Igarashi's files. I find her to be very interesting. I come across many overachievers such as her who have difficulty accepting mistakes and defeat. That she's come this far with few mistakes in life at her age says a lot."

    "Oh, absolutely! She's simply fascinating," Kirari agreed, her eyes lit up, "She's made history at Hyakkaou academy for having the best grades. I've actually built a tower in her honor, before I even met her in person. I'm currently building a clinic right now too for people with psychological trauma. I hope in the future you can serve as part of the advisory board for the clinic?"

    "I'd love to, if time allows. Let's begin. Can you describe yourself?"

    Kirari smiled, her eyes smoldering, "I am what I am."

    "And how is your state of mind?"

    "Very good, considering. I do want Sayaka to get better but if she never does, it does not change my feelings for her. If any, its made it even stronger. Does that answer your question?"

    "Yes and no but we can deal with that later on."

    Doctor Soleste realized that Kirari Momobami, being a master gambler, would be difficult to pin down. The only weakness that she could exploit to gain insight into her mind was her feelings for the patient.

    "You said you observed the patient from afar for a year? Why didn't you make a move to introduce yourself?"

    "She was like a shooting star. Always on the move. Her time was so very wisely spent in either the library or at the gymnasium."

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