I'm evil Just kidding, only a handsome cutie

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"Who are you?" Nezu asked

"Ehh~ Doggy cutie forgot about me already?~ I'll overlook this crime and introduce myself again. My name is Jing Feng. Nice to meet you~" I said.

"You're just a boy." All Might said.

"I think you're mistaken~. I look way older than my looks~" I said catching the gang off guard.

"What do you mean by that?" Tsukauchi said.

"Ehh~ you guys want to know my age. No~. It's embarrassing~" I said getting shy.

"Is it really that big of a deal?" Nezu asked.

"Really big deal~. It's one of my secrets that my cute bestie Kai knows." They look at Kai with curiosity which he just brushed off.

"Then how old are you?" Tsukauchi asked.

"You're really persistent huh~. I'm the oldest one here standing at 100 years old~. Or maybe even more." I said.

The gang had nothing to say. This boy is 100 years old. They don't believe it but, they'll play along. That's what I think.

"See~? Never ask a prince their age." I said.

"Anyway, how come your business is so big in such a short amount of time?" Tsukauchi interrogated.

"Isn't this about me~? This business is almost 500 years in the making or even more. It's natural to prepare for so long~. It's been planned long ago~." I said.

"Although, this is unnatural." All Might said.

"I didn't embezzle anything. If I did, wouldn't our business be gone in the long run? We all worked hard for this business. Don't accuse of such stuff without evidence. Also, you stalking us is not cool. I could make you guys spend time in jail for stalking us. I felt really scared~" I said shivering a bit.

The gang has nothing to say. Simply put, I have them at the tip of my fingertips. They have no escape.

"Of course, I'm willing to overlook this event in one simple favor. If you don't agree, how could the journalist say that All Might has been jailed for stalking? The society would be in disarray. Don't you think~?" I said.

"This guy..." Tsukauchi said. He made a sound of disapproval. I was more in the right here.

"Then what is your condition?" Nezu asked.

"Principal?" All Might exclaimed.

"We have nothing against him we'll lose for sure. Just name your price." Nezu said.

"Ehh~ you make me sound like I'm a criminal mastermind. I only have 2 simple conditions." I looked at Kai and winked.

"What is this?" Tsukauchi said.

"Keep my information private is the first condition. The second is to already enroll me in UA high for the next semester. That's all I want. I think it'll be fun~!" I said.

The gang looked at Kai and he replied with a nod. Those simple request to not get jailed is a pretty good deal.

"Very well. We'll accept this arrangement." Nezu said.

"I knew doggy cutie would get it~. Thank you so much! Might I invite you to dinner? The chefs cook really good food. Also, don't ever try to investigate me. I'm safe always." I said inviting them.

"I would have to decline for all of us. We have busy schedules." Tsukauchi said.

"Really? Such a shame~. Oh well. Good luck on your way home. Go to the helipad again." I said leaving the room with Kai.

"Young prince, are you sure about that arrangement?" Kai questioned.

"Yes I'm satisfied. That means I'm guaranteed to have fun without showing off my abilities right Kai~"I said

"I guess that is smart. Well done young prince!" Kai agreed.

"Now let's have dinner and we'll also sleep together okay~?" I said earning a surprise stare.

"Y- young prince!? What is the meaning of this!?" Kai said blushing.

"Ehhh~ I made you blush. Do you want that?~" I teased.

"S- stop it." Kai replied.

I continued teasing him until we fell asleep on my big bed. Today was certainly enjoyable.

- 10 months later.-

It's been a long 10 months. A lot has happened that I couldn't even count. First of all, The Expert made a bunch of cool gear. He made the previous era battlesuit that would fit me. It all includes a lot of people which I won't go over. As of the moment, I have a few at my disposal. He also made. A bunch of upgrades to PROJECT: Bunny. He also designed my battle costume. He's really amazing. He's done a lot of things. The Businessman and The Magician are also doing well with their work. It's time for me to go to UA high. The semester has already started and I'm so excited to have fun. Since all the things The Expert made can be called out at any time by me, I don't really care about not having any weapons.

"Young prince, your limousine has been arranged. Please go on with your destination." The butler said.

"Thank you~. I'll have fun today butler~. You guys have fun too." I said waving goodbye to my staff.

I got in the car and saw Driver in the driver seat. He's back after a few weeks of vacation. I kinda missed him.

"Driver! You're back!" I exclaimed.

"Of course young prince. I wouldn't miss escorting you to your first day of school." Driver said driving to our destination.

"I missed you Driver~" I said.

"Young prince, I don't know how to feel about this." Driver said.

"Then follow your feelings~" I said taking a sip of wine.

"I'm afraid I might no be able to control myself." Driver teased.

"That won't work on me Driver. I know how it feels." I replied.

Driver had the deepest shade of red while I just looked relaxed sipping wine until we got to our destination.

"Thank you! Driver!" I shouted before going in UA.

People looked at me weirdly. I guess I'm just that famous. Just as I was walking along, I bumped into someone head first. The impact was so powerful it knock me down.

"Oh! Sorry little guy. I didn't mean to bump into you." The guy I bumped into said.

I looked at the guy and saw a smiling blonde haired man. He looked very radiant.

"Wow! You look very radiant! In terms of bumping, I was at fault for being too excited. I'm sorry. Today just seems so fun!" I said with excitement.

"I love the enthusiasm. You remind me of my dear friend. I'll introduce you to them someday. My name is Mirio Togata. Nice to meet you! Your ears look very cute" Mirio introduced

"My name is Jing Feng. I'm from China. Nice to meet you!" I said shaking his hand.

"You should probably go to your class now. I'll see you around." Mirio said waving good bye.

"Thank you Togata!" I said walking along to my classroom.

I was assigned to class 1-A. The best heroics class section if I'm gonna be there no doubt. Just as I saw the number of the door, Midoriya was in front. I remembered his name after 10 months along with Bakugo blasty. I can keep up with them easily.

"Ehh~ Midoriya! You're here too?" I said catching his attention.

"J- j- j- Jing Feng! Nice to meet you!" Midoriya screamed.

"Ara~ What a loud greeting!" I said.

The guys inside the classroom looked at me. They thought I was weird. I know that look. I received that look long ago. I'm probably sounding self-deprecating like Kosma but, I know that look.

"Eh~, you guys inside looked like you've seen a ghost.~" I teased and immediately they looked away.

"Who are you stranger?" A guy with glasses and navy blue hair asked.

"You look pretty." A girl with pink cheeks said.

"Thank you! I didn't expect that from a pretty girl. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jing Feng. Both Midoriya and I came from the high school." I said elbowing Midoriya.

"If you're here for a Tea Party then go outside" A voice behind me said.

"Eh~ why is a caterpillar behind me?" I taunted the pro hero. The others behind me giggled.

"Are you taunting me?" The guy said coming out of the sleeping bag.

"What does it look like?" I replied.

The pro hero eyed me angrily. He looked like he was about to throw me out the window.

"You're lucky that the principal recommended you." The pro hero said.

"Recommended by the principal?" Midoriya exclaimed.

"I'm Shota Aizawa. Your homeroom teacher. Nice to meet you. Put this on and go outside." Aizawa said commanding us outside.

Since I got my gym outfit already the moment I made that demand with Nezu, I can just wave my hands and put it on instantly. It's a device made by The Expert to help with clothing. I ran ahead in front of everyone.

"You're here, Jing Feng." Aizawa said greeting me.

"Good morning, Sensei~" I said.

"Just who do you think you are doing that to your teacher?" Aizawa said.

"Is it my fault that you are sleep deprived?" I reasoned.

He didn't answer. I got him right where I want him.

"You may have Principal and All Might in the ropes, but don't think you're safe from me. I can expell you instantly." Aizawa threatened to make me behave.

"If that's your way of making me behave then you're doing it the wrong way. If you expelled me, there's nothing holding me back from releasing that info. What would happen then? Besides, it's not like i wouldn't take it seriously. I just want to have fun. Do you get me Sen~ Sei~?" I asked.

"Fine. We have a deal Jing Feng." Aizawa said.

"Sure sensei. I'll make you proud promise!" I pledged.

"Sure. Show me what you got in the sports festival. You don't have to show off this time. I like your guts. Make sure to back them up." Aizawa said writing something down.

"Eh~ I'm amazed that you liked me already. Mind if I invite you to Gold Manor someday." I asked. Aizawa eyed me weirdly but accepted nonetheless.

"Wow! Thank you sensei!" I said before going to position as the other group arrived. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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