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It's been 3 weeks since I started school at Aldera Junior high. To say it was fun was an understatement. Fun teasing the teachers and a few minor mischiefs here and there. To put it simply, it was one time I'm happy after getting out of the Elysian realm. Elysia would like this.

Helixcraft is also complete just a week ago. Inventions have been started by the expert. I also split another part of me, which is the magician where he would hold performances online. I also changed his appearance a bit, just so we won't be identical. He's getting famous. His looks are much sharper than mine so, he would be popular. I split my personality again. The last one is The Businessman. The CEO and chairman, along with my advisor and high-ranking board member, and COO Kai Yumino. He handles most of the affairs in the company, so I don't have to. I put in the knowledge of being a business chairperson inside The Businessman.

"The expert! How you doing?! Are you enjoying yourself?!" I exclaimed as I greet him cheerfully.

"I'm doing fine original. Your request for an upgrade on the divine keys is now finished. I also prepared another for you. I call it PROJECT: Bunny. It's a floating AI robot with cannons, lasers, and a bunch of other multi-purpose stuff. It's controlled by a brain chip that is easily injectable." The expert said.

I looked at the robot and stared in amazement. It looked so good. PROJECT Bunny is in the key of revelation. Maybe The Expert recreated it. It was wielded by the 1st Herrscher, Bronya Zaychik. This is a very good copy.

"Aside from PROJECT: Bunny, we have upgrades on some weapons we can call upon at any time. These weapons are very rare and very powerful. From pistols to Chakrams. I'll send you a file for your to look at." The Expert injected me with the brain chip which gave me control of PROJECT: bunny. This is so cool.

"Wow! You have outdone yourself The Expert. I can't believe it." I said making PROJECT: bunny disappear.

"Well believe it now. I still have a lot more things to do. If you don't have anything to do, go to school now." The Expert said before making me teleport back to the house.

"Welcome back young prince. You should have your breakfast before you go to school. The chefs made Eggs Benedict and waffles for you." The maid said.

"Splendid! It's like you know my preferences! I'll come down in a few minutes please eat before me." I said as I take a bath.

I finished breakfast and took a bath rather early. In terms of school for the day, it was boring. There's nothing to do than revisions of things I already know. It's boring.

"Driver! You there!" I said as I took a sigh and another glass of wine.

"Yes. What do you want to talk about young prince? You've been down the whole day." Driver asked.

"Yeah, it's so boooriiiingg. I don't want to go anywhere but, I want to do something." I whined.

"Young prince, there's a craze going on right now. There's this thing called Heaven's shaved ice. There's also this very expensive Japanese Sake the most high-quality Sake they say. There's also a new-" Driver suddenly flinched and got serious.

He pressed a button on the driver seat and immediately, 4 other cars surrounded us in a tight formation.

"Driver, what's happening?" I asked.

"My quirk, spy sense, has activated. You're being watched wherever you go. I've always had that tingle and my suspicions were right. I'm going to take you back home. We need to keep you safe and fast." Driver said going a bit faster.

"I trust you. I'll just drink some wine and eat. Don't feel too pressured. If it absolutely comes down to it, I can protect us." I said as I take another sip of wine and caviar toast.

The chase now ensued. We took the long way to the house to confuse this stalker. Could be an assassin or someone else trying to gather information. Regardless, we managed to get back home in 1 piece. The security cars parked their cars in their garage. Driver and I got home safely.

"Driver, drink some water. This will help you relax." I said as I gave him some water.

Driver drank the whole pitcher. Guess someone's thirsty. He finished the pitcher and looked at me.

"I'm sorry I couldn't bring you to the Heaven's shaved ice." Driver apologized.

"Nonsense. It's fine. We can just order now for everyone!" I said Enthusiastic about the idea.

"Let me just call Kai," I said grabbing my phone and dialing his number.

"Hi, this is Kai. The advisor of Prince Jing Feng. What's your business with me?" Kai said.

"Kai~ it's meee~" I said.

"Young prince?! I didn't expect you to call me. What's your query?" Kai asked.

"You See, we were about to grab some of the crazed Heaven's shaved ice today before we were followed by someone sinister," I said.

"I'll have this sorted out right away! No one messes with the young prince!" Kai shouted for the security district of Eden Enterprises.

"Before that, please come by the Gold Manor. I want to buy some Heaven's Shaved ice for everyone. Also, to buy the expensive Japanese Sake that is very crazed right now." I said.

"I'll have that sorted out after I tell the security team about your predicament. Thank you, Young prince." Kai said.

"Now, come here and rest with us. It's okay to take breaks." I said.

"Understood young prince. I'll be there in 25 minutes together with your demanded items." Kai said.

"Thank you, Kai. Now hurry! I want to see you again!" I whined.

"All right. Hold still, young prince." Kai said before hanging up.

Kai hung up the call. We're now left to contemplate and relax. The thing is, I wonder who would target me specifically. I was sure that my information is now hidden even from the government. Whomever these people are, they know their targets. I know Kai can handle it. I just need to wait for him.

- At UA high-

"Tsukauchi, have you found anything?" Nezu asked over the phone whilst having a meeting with the teachers.

"We found someone. I'm on the way there now." Tsukauchi said before hanging up the phone.

"Principal, what was that?" Snipe asked.

"Tsukauchi a police officer I'm in contact with." Nezu said.

"What's it about?" Cementoss asked.

"You'll see when he arrives." Nezu smiled.

- Few minutes later -

"Principal Nezu, I've arrived." Tsukauchi said closing the door.

"Tsukauchi, what's this about?" Vladking asked.

"3 and a half weeks ago, a once business empire was reestablished. This empire is named Eden Enterprises. To simply put it, they've been dominating business charts in such a short amount of time after being dormant for a long time." Tsukauchi stated.

"For a business in modern times, it would take years to grow such an empire but, they only took 3 and a half weeks?!" Midnight exclaimed.

"Principal Nezu believed that there were some unusual stuff happening in Eden Enterprises. Just a few weeks ago, Eden Enterprises had a very sudden change. The founder of Eden Enterprises was very long gone. It dates back all the way to 100 to 500 years ago by a woman named Eden. After she had died, no will was left for the passing of her immense wealth. Eden Enterprises turned dormant. It still has its influence yet it had hidden it pretty well. A few weeks ago, a will was left who would inherit her immense wealth." Tsukauchi finished.

"How much wealth are we talking about here?" Eraserhead asked.

"Enough to last this person 50,000 years of money based on our investigations." Tsukauchi announced.

"50,000 years?! How influential are they? Did Eden embezzle that much wealth?" Vladking asked

"Surprisingly, no. Every single file about Eden was proof that she was not any way part of the government in anywhere in the world. That lonely amount was always their earnings." Tsukauchi said.

"Enough about that. Have you managed to find any leads?" Nezu asked.

"I have. 3 and a half weeks ago, a boy who looks like 15 years old headed over the will containing Eden's signature and a statement that all her wealth be transferred to this person." Tsukauchi said.

"15 years old? That young?" Nezu wondered.

"Yes. We tried digging any information about him. Digging through the deepest of websites and found absolutely nothing. As if he was invisible. They did have 1 mistake or rather step to blend in. They have one of the most expensive houses in history. Gold Manor which is on the will and Eden's property, an obscene amount of cars, private jets and helicopters and finally, employees with information about their occupation." Tsukauchi coughed.

"I see. Did you manage to get an address?" Vladking asked.

"Unfortunately, the address was redacted. However, we did track a plate number going to Aldera Junior high. The successor is a male boy. No information that is suspicious was found. The subject is a male 15-year-old boy named Jing Feng. Pink hair and very cheerful. He just seems like a normal kid." Tsukauchi said.

"Weird how you guys have no info on him" Present Mic said.

"They have a very tight security and database. We can't find more info on him, but we managed to follow them. The unfortunate thing is, we didn't get a photograph when they were taking their routes. The moment they noticed we were spying; they took a tight formation and we couldn't get close. We managed to find the route to their manor which they tried to lose us." Tsukauchi finished.

"Since we don't have compelling evidence to arrest this boy, we can only do so much." Nezu wondered.

"Another silver lining is we managed to get the information about his advisor. 25 year old male, quirk is redacted as always by the name of Kai Yumino. He's one of the people at the top of Eden enterprises. We got his number and continuing to contact him as we speak." Tsukauchi finished.

"Unless we find something shifty in their name, our hands are tied. We must find something." Eraserhead thought out loud.

Unusual case for such and unusual company.

If you guys are wondering, yes. Our character is truly named Driver. I just thought it would be really cute.

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