Chapter 10

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Karlie knocked on the studio room door.

"Come in" Taylor called from inside the room. Karlie pushed the door open and walked in. She sat down on the piano stool next to Taylor.

Karlie has always been good at playing the piano. It was a skill she didn't tell many about. And Taylor had only originally found out from Kimby. The sister had been trying to embarrass Karlie when she had first brought Taylor home to meet her parents. After that, Taylor often insisted that Karlie play with her.

Taylor started playing a familiar tune on the piano. She played it an octave down, practically begging Karlie to join her. Karlie recognized Call It What You Want instantly. Her fingers basically played the song on their own. As much has Karlie enjoyed the playing, she knew they needed to actually talk to get past anything.

She stopped playing and turned to Taylor. The singer pretended not to notice, as she kept playing the song.

"Taylor" Karlie sighed. "We need to talk about this babe. I know you don't want to, but we need to." Taylor finally looked Karlie's way. Her eyes were starting to fill with tears. Karlie cupped her face while wiping the tears that fell on the singer's cheeks.

Karlie stood up and put her hand out for Taylor, moving them over to the couch. The Model sat on the couch and pulled Taylor's legs across her lap.

"I'm holding you back from being happy." Taylor whispered through tears. Karlie had no idea how Taylor had come to this conclusion, especially since it was further from the truth.

"You aren't holding me back at all, Tay..." Karlie went to continue but Taylor interrupted her.

"Of course I am. You want kids. Who am I to stand in your way? You deserve to be with someone who wants what you want." Taylor was fully sobbing at this point, and it was clear Taylor actually believe what she was saying.

"Taylor, listen to me. We had been apart for over a year before you even called, if I wanted a kid that badly I would have done it. But instead all I wanted was you. I promise." Taylor started to believe Karlie's words so Karlie sealed it with a kiss on Taylor's forehead before gracefully carrying the singer up the stairs to their bedroom. She knew they had a long hard road ahead of them. But they could do it. She knew they could.

Author's note: Hey guys! I was wondering if you guys prefer longer chapters which would mean less often updates, or shorter chapters with more frequent updates like this one. I figured this one needed to be short because starting a new chapter with a huge time jump made way more sense to me then time jumping in the middle of a chapter, so here is this tiny filler! I hope you enjoy it

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