JunkratxLúcio | I like your nails (unfinished)

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Note: may make a second chapter where I finish this off, but I probs won't

"I like your nails!" Junkrat looked around briefly to make sure it was him that was being talked to. He still wasn't sure



He looked down at his fingernails, the chipped black coat of nail polish made him confused. Maybe  Lúcio liked the colour rather than how well they've been applied, or maybe he's being made fun of. He's not sure, but he doesn't care all that much, he'll take a compliment regardless of the intention.

"Thanks mate! Hog can do better, but I think I'm pretty alright" Junkrat chirped, he lent back on the overwatch headquarters living room couch, resting his arms on the cushions behind him "they need a bit of a touch up though".

"If you come to my room, I can give you a new coat" Lúcio smiled brightly, throwing a thumb behind him to emphasise his room and placing a hand on his hip.

"Sure!" Junkrat jumped to his feet

They sat on Lúcio's bed, cross legged, with a bag in between them. Lúcio unzipped it and dug through the contents of said bag.

"Woah, That's alotta nail polish mate, I've only got one? Or two? I'm not too sure" Junkrat peered over, trying to glimpse inside the bag.

Lúcio chuckled. "Nah man, it's not JUST nail polish! It's my make-up bag, I've got all sorts of stuff in here," he said, still digging around inside, "do you want black again or do you want to try a different colour?"

"You wear make-up?" Junkrat inquired, with a shocked sort of face.

"Yeah, why?"

"I've never taken any notice!" Junkrat eyed Lúcio's face, staring intently to spot any makeup.

He chuckled again, "that's 'cus i don't really do big looks; just a bit of mascara and blush, sometimes eyeliner, if I'm feeling it" he pulled out a small collection of nail polishes, "pick a colour"

"Red" Junkrat didn't have a lot of colours himself; black, clear and maybe a back up one. He mainly used the polish as a way to prevent him from picking and biting his nails, not the beauty aspect — that was just a bonus. But Lúcio had a good variety: a few shades of green, black, clear, pink, red, and a blue.

"Made your mind up quick: red it is!" Lúcio first removed Junkrats old coat with some nail polish remover, then unscrewed the cap of the red polish. He moved Junkrats hand to rest on his leg, and began to delicately and precisely paint his nails.

They sat in silence, a comfortable hush. But as most things do, it came to an end. Quickly. Junkrat IS a chatterbox after all.

"Do you like doing makeup?"

"Yeah, it's fun to put on, sometimes tedious though"

"...does it feel alright? Like, on yer skin on stuff?? Itchy?"

"Nah dude, not really, if it feels itchy it probably means you're allergic or something"

"How long does it take?"

"For what I usually do, a couple of minutes; but it really depends on what you're doing" Lúcio finished up Junkrats thumb, then gave him his hand back, "don't touch anything, don't want it coming off now".

Lúcio then began pulling out more products from his makeup bag, products that weren't nail polish. Confusing Junkrat further when he put the nail polishes back in said bag.

"Seeing as you're so interested in my makeup, how about I give you a bit of a makeover!? I won't do A LOT, just eyeshadow, mascara, blush and lipstick" Lúcio smiled, expression quickly changing when he saw the uncertainty embroidered into Junkrat's face, "that is, only if you want to"

They shared a few moments, in quiet, as Junkrat took the offer into account. The silence only stiffened Lúcio, making him feel as if the offer had made the atmosphere awkward. Of course Junkrat wouldn't want to wear makeup-

"...I'd like that...I'd like that a lot"

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