Helga's pov

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we were walking, and then we finally stumbled upon the office,

"uh, hi?" arnold said awkwardly

"oh yes, yes come in.."the nurse says sweetly

i entered the room and i had sat down on the bed, arnold had followed me and stood near me.

"care to let me know what the issue is??"

"i uh.. um i well" i stuttered and stammer

"it's ok, sweetie, just breathe.." she said soothingly

i couldn't place the words in so i just raised my arm to show my wrist.

"oh my oh my, what happened!?" she darted

"uhh i fell on my wrist and i heard a snap, i shook it off and on the same day i was playing baseball, and my arm ached but felt numb whilst i was holding the bat, oh and then when i was on the ground a girl barged my uhh.. arm, and well.. yeah" i stated

"could i examine it??" she responded quickly

"uhh sure ok," i said awkwardly

"my god, we are going to need an xray check up on your wrist,"

a/n : ive never broken a bone so i may get the vocab wrong in the nurse's office..

"hunny is that okay?" she said sweetly

"sure" i said sharply i looked at arnold nervously and he gave me a bright smile, that really dwindled my nervous state, into a more optimistic look,

"well could you just place to your wrist into the machine" the machine made a noise, the nurse then moved to the printer  near her and then eventually got the results,

"oh dear, honey, your wrist.. its uhm broken, you'll need a cast as soon a possible, ill go get you one you stay here with your??

"friend" me and arnold had said at the same time we had then looked at each other and smiled, the nurse then smiled and left shortly after, the nurse came back and wrapped the cast around my wrist,

"alright honey your free to go just do not write with this wrist or play any ball games,"

"urm ok," i turn to look at arnold and i nod at him and then i grin then soon after juat as i was about to leave, i had felt a cramp, remembering that im on my period, i thought to ask if i could get some 'products'  to help me cope better..

"urm.. nurse??"

"yes sweetie?"

"im on my period i think do you happen to have any products or  anything i could use"

"sure uhm the boy..."

"yea what about him, oh!" i suddenly clocked

"could you please wait outside for me please"  i stated

"ok honey, im going to give you some pads and some paracetamol to help oose out the pain. you need to drink some water whilst taking the medication, and change your pad  every time its soaked up with blood, sweetie, im going to give you some medication,"  the nurse went looking in her drawer for it, and then shortly found it. "here take it, now drink alot of water darling,"

the nurse handed me a pad and showed me to the bathroom "just peel it and attach it to your underwear, and thats it"

after i had, followed the nurses directions i then joined arnold,

"remember do not lift a finger with the wrist that you have broken, if you do it would worsen"

i nodded then left with arnold
whilst walking in the corridor he then brought up a question

"so... are you ok does it feel weird?" arnold said nicely

"kinda urm it hurts bad, horrible even like im about to throw up."  i said kind of embarassed  but then i  shook it off and tried to play it cool but oh  how the thought of  him actually being aware of how i was feeling i couldnt help but quietly swoon ohh arnold cares for me i thought in a snap oh arnold how great you look as  the sun hits you how the light compliments your eyes your lips your skin your everything my darling.. if only... if only you'd know how i really felt about you if only you could see right through my little "been there done that" facade then you would know and see how delicate i can really be, oh my love is so devoted to you, my love ay mon cher. 

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