Helga's pov

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A day had gone and i had all ready set up my outfit i decided to go with the new outfit, ofcourse i would after all i kinda sort of well wanted to impress arnold.. Todays the day i guess, i hopped into the shower, after my good 15 minutes of showering.
I then rolled myself into my towel and walked my room..

After drying and moisturizing i then wore my black shirt under my pink hoodie, later on wore my white skirt and shorts right under it, then wore pink and white checkered converses..

"Miriam, im leaving for school"

i screamed seemlessly,

oh how i couldn't wait to once again most of my class mates didnt miss me, but i couldn't wait to see my bestie pheebs.. i assumed that she spent her time with her crush, geraldo and my crush, my lover Arnold..

Realising i was almost near the school i could help but see Arnold and Lila? Unbelievable this cant be true this is wrong theyre probably just friends how wrong could i be??
Thinking about my passed behavior i realised that i have came off a little to strong and mean so i decided that maybe i should take bullying down a notch and maybe, just maybe be a little bit nicer, of course i would be salty or else i wouldnt be Helga Geraldine Pataki..

i walked toward them and Arnold had waved me hi..

Ohh what do i do what do i say.. i did whatever came up in my mind.

"What do you want football head" i groaned nonchalantly

Damnit i wanted to be nice whatever.

I had pushed the doors to hallways and the first person i see was my best friend phoebe,

"Helga!! ive missed you so!!"
phoebe comes rushing towards me hugging me as tight as ever.

"ive missed you too" i admittedly said

Before the conversation could get any longer we'd heard the bell ring signalling first period, on my timetable it said i had maths with this dude called Mr. Ronald Bennett..

In class,

"Alright class we are going to start with rollcall when i call youre name i want you reply with here or present."

I sat down in a seat without any fuss i was sitting at the second to last row, there were 3 rows, soon after, i sat pheobe came to join me and sat beside me,.
whilst we sat together, mr Bennett was doing rollcall and i really couldnt give a damn so i just sat there, playing with my nails.

"so...how was it when you moved, did you meet anyone or like date or make friends"

pheobe said waiting on her response.

"uhh.. sure pheebs, you may wanna write this story down." i responded

"writing!" pheobe said in her cheerful yet obedient tone of voice.

Before i could continue speaking of the story i was about to tell pheebs but some idiot stopped me. mr buckface.

he had first gave me a im waiting for you to stop talking face, but i repeat i didnt really seem to care, so i just rolled my eyes like it was nothing he was asking for it-

"excuse me ?" he said.
i turned around knowingly that he was talking to me, i grew a smirk,
" yes you-" he replied to my act of coyness.

"you do know i have a name,"

"maybe i would know it if you payed attention to rollcall." he spat ever so bitterly, literally,

i felt a wee bit of spit land on my cheek, and i could assume that sid , curly and others could feel it too.
"eugh, yuck" i said in disgust, it was only instinct and reflex to reply to that such manner.

"is there a problem?"

this guy was really getting on my nerves why would i say yuck if there wasnt a problem. its like hes stupid or something.

"well no doy Ronald, of course not" i said out of sarcasm, i still wasn't satisfied.

"stop being daft, and tell the problem,"

geez he makes it so hard to be nice, ugh.

"whatever just move back when your talking, and try not to say anything that has a "t" in it, its for the best"

"what are you saying young lady, stop this now."

"look, Ronald, it may be tough because you are new believe me I understand, so for you im going to put this in simpler terms.. you spit alot, its infuriating"

Shocked he looked, i look around to see others laughing under their necks,

"You take that back, now." He practically shrieked.

"You take that back, now." I mocked him, "sure whatever floats your boat...wouldn't be surprised if your spit does,"

I rolled my eyes.

"Continue to act in such an unruly behaviour you will land a detention and a phone call home,"
He said in such an annoyed voice.

Knowing how much they wouldn't care, soon made me realise I don't care but because I was tired, I soon decided it was time my great argument had come to its end.

"Sure, sure whatever"

He then continued with his lesson. As I wasn't listen just at the right time I saw him.. Arnoldo what a bum, a boob, a nimcompoop, my knight in shining armour. I thought in such a swoonful way, with his angelic green eyes, the labyrith of my soul. He was walking towards the principals office. He gave me a sinister smirk like how It reminded me of how he was when we tango-ed. On April fools day or some days along those lines, oh that day with his possessive look in his eyes, I thought in awe I felt a butterfly in my stomach and couldn't get it out. I didn't know how to react.. I wanted to glare but he winked at me for some reason, I was starting to get scared,

"Did you see that?," i said to pheebs in the most concern way.

She saw and then shrugged it off- weirdly, but since it didn't bother pheebs maybe it won't bother me, I shrugged it off it, but in the back of my mind it was eating my brain away all I could think about was his soft light pink lips and his beautiful combed down yellow hair. I remember his hair being all wild and free, like a palm tree waving in the middle of a island. I swooned again..

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