Part 13

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       The day of the wedding, Felix's side of the wedding party got ready in Minho's apartment and Changbin's side got ready in his own apartment. "I love you but you know I'm not giving a speech right?" Seungmin said as he helped Felix with his bow tie. Felix laughed and said "I know, you don't care much for the mushy gushy in public stuff. Chan will take care of that part." "I will tell you here though, before we go upstairs... how proud of you I am. I have watched you grow up so much from when we met at 16 in chemistry class..." Seungmin started. "God, I hated science in school." Felix interrupted with a pained expression. "I know, don't you remember that's how we became friends? You tried to copy my work in class and I wouldn't let you and offered to tutor you instead." Seungmin said. "Of course I remember, bless you for putting up with me and all my dirty jokes about us starting a student/tutor affair... I was a horny gay teen trying to find myself." Felix said laughing. Seungmin laughed and continued "Yeah we both were trying to figure stuff out, but look at you now, you really found yourself and a good man along with it Lix. I promised myself I wouldn't cry..." Seungmin started to tear up and Felix grabbed his shoulders with tears in his eyes too, saying "Damn it, don't cry or I am going to cry too!" "Both of you stop crying so we can continue getting ready." Minho interjected, having heard the whole speech as he got himself ready on the other side of the room. "Right! Okay, question, foundation or no foundation?" Felix asked, holding up his makeup bag. "No foundation, Changbin loves your freckles." Minho replied. "He really does, doesn't he?" Felix blushed a vivid red.

       "Yeah, yeah, he loves everything about you, now finish getting dressed so you can go marry that oaf." Minho said, trying to hide his own blush at how cute Felix was. "Of course...I'm getting married today!" Felix squealed excitedly before continuing to get dressed. Seated in that large penthouse apartment were a small number of Felix and Changbin's closest friends and family. They wanted the ceremony closed to only those who truly knew and loved them. Though one person sat there pondering how he made the cut, Jisung. He wasn't super close with Felix or Changbin. He had felt that he got a bit closer to them during the cruise but with how tight and exclusive they had been with their guest list he was a bit confused on how he ended up being invited. He got the invitation in the mail and looked at the person it was addressed to over and over again, assuming they meant to invite Jeongin, but it said clear as day, 'Jisung Han'. He then sat there for another 30 minutes wondering whether he should attend or not. He knew Minho would be there, likely in the wedding party and he didn't know whether that fact made him want to go less or more. He had spent the better part of those few months since the cruise trying to get over the feelings he had developed for Minho during their week together. Ultimately he decided to go, to be there for his new friends that he only hoped to grow even stronger connections with. Jisung had made the decision to go but then as he sat there in the audience, immediately regretted it. He watched as Minho walked Hyunjin down the aisle and the two separated to stand on either side of the officiant.

        He found his eyes fixated on Minho, standing there in his tux, looking both handsome and beautiful at the same time. His heart ached, longed for him and he felt so silly. They had only known each other for a week, there's no way he could have developed such strong feelings for Minho in such a short amount of time... right? So why was he so drawn to Minho? Simply put, that week they spent together felt like a lifetime. They met each other for the first time but then had their relationship put on fast forward by the situations they found themselves in. Normal relational steps towards intimacy were skipped when after just meeting they immediately had to sleep in a bed together, side by side every night. Falling asleep to the sound of the other person breathing, waking up next to them every morning. Then acting as a couple, getting into that mindset and being close physically on multiple occasions through the couples activities also sped things up. They faced fears and dangerous obstacles together building trust faster than normal. But above all that, Jisung had found someone who told him like it was instead of just what he wanted to hear. Someone who knocked him down a peg when he needed it and someone who made him feel safe enough to be his true self. But Minho didn't want him. He had shown that on the ship when he turned Jisung down and only solidified it more by not reaching out at all within the last few months. And Jisung had all but come to terms with this during their time apart but seeing him there at the wedding, it felt like he was looking at the one who got away and it was excruciating.

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