Chapter 63 : First Aid Trauma (3)

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The pushcart’s brakes seemed to be malfunctioning.

And then there was an old man walking in front of him who was unable to avoid it.

What’s even more terrifying was that the pushcart slammed into the old man before crashing against a wall.

The old man rolled over on the spot, while the man riding the pushcart fell motionless on the ground.

The accident made the bystanders stare in shock.

Immediately recovering from the fright, Xie Wanying realized that they were the only ones who witnessed the accident, so she quickly went to the injured individuals.

Yue Wentong stared at her back from a dozen meters away before he remembered he had to also move.

“Ahhhhh!” The old man was in a lot of pain, he was breathing heavily as he wailed and screamed.

There were no street lights at the end of that alley at night, so it wasn’t surprising that a serious accident just happened there.

Xie Wanying hastily retrieved a flashlight from her backpack and opened it, casting a light towards the old man and the pushcart driver in the distance.

When Yue Wentong finally caught up with her, he was taken aback by the fact that she had a flashlight.

Who in their right mind would pack a flashlight in their backpack every day?

Using what she’d just learned, Xie Wanying quickly assessed the severity of their injuries.

The driver was injured in the head, while the old man was injured in the thigh.

To treat the head injury, she needed an electric drill to drain the skull, however, she didn’t have this equipment in her hands. Moreover, the progression of the traumatic brain injury was slower than that of the old man’s thigh injury.

His leg injury was now expected to be a ruptured femoral artery.

If the thigh is injured all the way to the arterial road, there’s also a huge possibility of a massive hemorrhage.

The human body’s blood can quickly lose more than half of its volume, resulting in death from hemorrhagic shock.

TLN: hemorrhage – a hemorrhage may be internal or external, and usually involves a lot of bleeding in a short time.

An on-site first aid assessment is not about saving the person who is in the most critical condition, but rather determining who needs and can be saved first depending on the situation at hand.

“Let’s deal with him first!” Xie Wanying made an immediate decision, squatted down beside the old man, and yelled across to their class monitor, “Give me all the gauze bandages you bought! Hurry up!”

Looking into the distance, Yue Wentong noticed that the pushcart driver was lying motionless on the ground.

He felt that the driver’s injury was more serious and replied, “I’ll go see the driver.”

“He has a traumatic brain injury and we can’t do anything about that. It won’t be too late to take him to the hospital when the others come over,” Xie Wanying explained, “It is more important to save the old man within a few minutes.”

“How do you know?” Yue Wentong asked her.

Xie Wanying didn’t answer and instead grabbed the plastic bag he was carrying from the medical supplies store, took out the bandages and gauze inside, and quickly stacked the gauze to put it on the old man’s thigh. She then pulled the rest of the bandages away and cut the ‘head’ of the bandage with the surgical scissors she just bought to get ready for binding.

Yue Wentong watched her move quickly and precisely and all he could do was stare at her, dumbfounded. He bought these things to keep them in the dorm as a spare, but he never really knew how to use them since they hadn’t studied emergency medicine and surgery yet. He only saw doctors in the hospital using them.

“Is your dad really a truck driver?”

Yue Wentong’s solemn questioning voice could be heard through the darkness. There seemed to have been doubts about her from the start. Like all the boys in their class, he heard that a girl had come to study with them and that she was the science champion. She presented herself as demure and refined — in any case, she appeared to be the stereotypical college-educated young lady. No one knows why she was chosen to study surgery.

Returning to '90s, She Became Famous in Major Surgical FieldsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin