Chapter 51: 1 girl and 49 boys (3)

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After saying a bunch of words, Ren Chongda picked up his insulated cup that he had brought from the podium and opened the lid to drink water to moisten his throat.

Following what Ren Chongda said, the freshmen below chatted and discussed the information.

Among them, Ren Chongda said that the students with excellent performance in the 8-year program class must be top students in clinical practice. Just like giving everyone a shot of adrenaline as soon as they go to school, they were very excited.

Every single one of them was a top student. This competition was incomparable to any university in the country. And in the most profound field like medicine. Life science can be called the most mysterious of all the sciences, the closest to the realm of god.

The top class of medicine in the country, it can also be called the top class of science in the country.

Knock, knock.

Someone knocked at the door of the classroom. The market-like classroom suddenly smelled something, and the voices stopped again.

“Who?” Ren Chongda asked.

“Teacher Ren.”

The door opened and saw a female teacher in her thirties wearing glasses sticking her head through the door to talk to Ren Chonda, “Is there a girl named Xie Wanying in your class??”

“Yes, what did she do?”

Everyone in the class, including Ren Chongda, looked at the only “little princess” in the class.

Xie Wanying also did not know what had happened that caused the female teacher to find her. She was somewhat confused.

“Here’s the thing, Teacher Ren. The train station called and said they were looking for a medical student from our school, saying that she saved a patient’s life on the train.  The patient’s family and the train station officials were going to jointly make a jinqi to send to our school. When our school heard this, everyone was happy. The benevolence of the students trained by our school is the most proud thing for all teachers. Another thing is that I couldn’t find a medical student named Xie among the medical students who entered the clinical internship.

After looking for half a day, in the list of students in the whole school, only Teacher Ren has a freshman class student named Xie Wanying. So I’m here to ask about  what happened during the rescue. ” The female teacher said and held up her glasses.

(TLN: In the 1980s and ‘90s, jinqi were a common sight in physicians’ offices. It’s honorable to receive jinqi; it’s like an award you can display, and people can easily see what a good doctor, worker, policeman or whatever you are)

“Have you saved someone?” Ren Chongda asked his student.

“I’m not certain, is the patient’s last name Fang?” Xie Wanying answered calmly and coolly, not feeling at first that the other party must be talking about her, although there was a certain possibility.

“Yes, he’s surnamed Fang!” The female teacher lit up on the lenses of her glasses, “Really, it’s you? Tell me, what did you do?”
“Precordial thump. Because he had a sudden onset of malignant arrhythmia.” Xie Wanying said without any hurry.

The others listened to what she said, and were even more surprised by the tone of her voice.

Generally speaking, if a medical student saved someone and was commended, he or she must behave like a child and will be shy. Because medical students save people they have no confidence. Every time they save people, it was like winning. The only kind of people who can be like Xie Wanying, acting calm and old-fashioned, were those in the clinical and had at least had a few years of professional work.

“Is she a doctor’s child?”

“Are her mom and dad doctors?”

“Is her father or mother a cardiothoracic surgeon or a cardiologist?”

“Or could they be the emergency department doctor.”

The two teachers were equally suspicious and asked, “What do your parents do? Which hospital do they work in? ”

“My dad is a truck driver, and my mom lost her job when she gave birth to my brother and started her own business to support the family.” Xie Wanying answered casually.

“No way!” The classroom was in an uproar.

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