Chapter one: Forced to Kill

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It was a normal day for most people, but not for a 12 year old girl named Khloe Kantiso. Khloe was sitting down in a chair while her mother Mrs Kantiso, was telling her that she needed to go to a place called teufort and help a group of people called the red team. "But why do you want me to do this mother?" Khloe asked. "Because Khloe, me and your father have some unfinished business including the higher ups at teufort." Khloe wanted to ask who her parents had unfinished business with, but she knew that if she questioned her mother she would be grounded for a week. "Father, who do you have unfinished business with at teufort?" Khloe asked her father who was sitting in the background. " That is something you you don't need to know Khloe." Well Khloe didn't get a good response but at least her father wouldn't ground her for questioning.
"Now Khloe, you will need to prepare to sneak into teufort tomorrow, make sure none of the mercenaries see you and if they do simply explain to them that you are on their side got it." Khloe's mother said. "Mother, how will I be able to fight off many adults I am just a child?" Khloe asked her mother. Khloe's mother had a smirk on her face and said, "Don't worry Khloe, we will have a talk with a certain company and you will have weapons to use and you will go to teufort tomorrow." Khloe had nothing to say but, "Okay mother."
And walk to her room.

Khloe lied down on her bed and the only thing she could feel was fear, the fear that she might not survive... The fear of death by a group of adults. Khloe closed her eyes and thought about how teufort would be, and Khloe had to wake up early in the morning to prepare sneaking into teufort.
The next morning, Khloe woke up at six in the morning and put on a red sweater, black dress, utility belt and boots that allowed her to run pretty fast. Khloe walked out of her room and saw her mother and father, " Good morning Khloe, there is a box on the couch full of weapons you can use." Khloe's father said. Khloe walked up to the box full of weapons and saw a big drill with buttons and words carved on it that read 'Mann co.' Khloe found a pistol and a bone that looked like it belonged to someone.

Khloe walked up to her father, hugged him and said, "Thank you dad." Khloe knew that her mother would be the one to drive her to teufort so Khloe walked outside with her mother and into the car. While Khloe's mother drove, Khloe looked outside of the car window and decided to question her actions and the people around her.
Khloe didn't want to harm anyone but she knew her mother would threaten to put her up for adoption If she didn't comply, if Khloe got a penny for everytime her mother threatened to put her up for adoption then she would be the richest person alive. The car came to a stop and Khloe's mother said, " We're here." But the only thing Khloe saw where cardboard cutouts that were meant to look like bushes and a big cover that hid teufort.
Khloe walked out of the car and said goodbye to her mother who drove off, Khloe walked behind the cover and saw a big red building that looked like it could be the base the mercenaries were in. Now all Khloe had to do was sneak past the mercenaries and make sure no one saw her, and if someone found her she would just say that she was sent to help them. Khloe found a red door and opened it, Khloe was now in the red base. Khloe kept walking and when she heard voices she would hide and continue walking after she couldn't hear voices anymore, Khloe found herself on some sort of balcony and heard voices from below. Khloe looked down and saw a few men in red, Khloe tried to hide and make sure the men didn't see her but also tried to listen to their conversation. Khloe felt a hand grab her and saw a man in a red suit and ski mask, Khloe tried to flee but failed. The man said, " Tell me who are you and what are you doing here." The man had a french accent and talked loud enough for the men downstairs to hear. Khloe didn't know what to do or say but before she could think the men from downstairs ran upstairs, " I was sent here to help red team defeat blue team."
" Ey what's goin, on up 'ere" one of the men from downstairs said. The man in the suit looked at Khloe and asked, "You were sent here to help us?" The man looked confused, a child sent there to help the red team defeat blue team? the man thought this was a joke but he didn't care much, the man in the suit let go of Khloe and introduced himself.

" Bonjour, I am the red spy." The other men looked very confused and one man in overalls and a hardhat said, " wait, what's goin, on here? The red spy looked at the other man and said, " gentlemen, this child was sent here to help us eradicate blue team." The men looked even more confused and the youngest looking one held back laughter,

" Spy, you know zat is a child right?" A man who looked like a doctor said. " Yes, but I am sure Mann co. might have sent her." Spy said. " That makes no freakin, sense man" the youngest looking man with a Boston accent said. "Well, whatever the case might be this child is helping us now, deal with it scout." Spy said.

Khloe didn't expect it to be that easy, but thankfully it was. Spy then looked at Khloe and asked, " what did you say your name was again?", " Khloe". " Apologies but we can't use your real name." Spy said, Khloe remembered that she had a drill in the bag that was on her back and thought about spy and scouts names and thought of a nickname for herself. "Um, I guess my name could be the Driller." It was the best Khloe could think of and it was an appropriate name for her because her main weapon would be a big drill. Spy then said," well, welcome to the team Driller."

" Wait, are we gonna ignore the fact that a kid is gonna be killing other people with us?" Scout said. The other men didn't seem to care that much because they also thought that Mann co. could have sent the kid, Spy then introduced the other men to Driller and she was just glad that didn't get killed. Well, soon The Driller will know exactly how being a mercenary on the red team is like.

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