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Title: Chapter 15: Me: "I need to progress the plot!" Also me: *forgets I have an entire different villain to work with that isn't that sad excuse of a blob*

Tommy stared at the odd vine. It was, odd. It was a weird crimson color, it almost made Tommy think of blood. Tommy stopped himself from shuddering, he felt odd near it. Tommy has decided he did not like weird red vines.

Tommy was quick to stomp it dead, it started leaking a weird substance. Tommy didn't like the look of that either. Tommy just spread his wings and shot up, every bone in his body was telling him to get away, his mind was weird though. For some odd reason he had thoughts about going back to the thing.


Tommy goes home, gets Tommy abused, and manages to hide all his gifts. How? Answer- plot. He's getting beat into the bloody ground (all his blood btw) and oop- now it's Quackity POV. Q find nothing that makes him very shook for some reason, he also gets found by Wilbur and then Karl appears to take his mans. Now to Philza POV! And oop he is talking with Wil about Quackity. Back to Tommy, he goes on patrol and finds something weird- also Idk I might be able to squeeze in that sappy Tommy and Tubso moment Also surprise Ranboo POV?

Tommy opened the door with a slight creak.

Tommy peered around the house, it was dark, empty looking. Tommy knew better, Dream had probably figured out Tommy was staying late with the Sbi and so he had gone to bed. Tommy knew he would get one hell of a beating but he didn't care. Thoughts of the Sbi start to fill his mind- Wilbur running his hand through Tommy's hair, ruffling it into a mess- Techno giving Tommy all that jewelry with such a fond and excited expression on his face- Phil spreading his wing to warp Tommy in a blanket of warm black feathers.

Tommy smiled at the memories, Flock flock family flock dadza dad brothers dad flock family flock flock dadza flock family family brothers- Ok enough, Tommy thought as he walked softly up the stairs. The wooden steps only made soft 'thumps' as he ascended. Tommy walked over to his room, opening the door with a soft 'click'.

Tommy was quick to look around to see if anything was moved, Tommy saw nothing. He was quick to lock the door and run over to the corner, ripping off the plank of wood and picking up the box of treasures he holds dear. Tommy quickly took his backpack off, it had apparently been a gift from Phil earlier today.

"here mate!" Phil had a said excitedly, he held a rather large box in his hand. Tommy made a noice of confusion as he held it, it was quite light despite the fact it was so large. Tommy shook it a few times, he only heard a few soft scrapes of plastic against the box. Wilbur was chuckling lightly at the childish gesture.

Tommy started to pout as Wilbur's chuckles started to grow louder. Tommy was quick to rip open the box, Tommy was confused at first when he peered inside. Tommy quickly lifted it out, it was a bright red, not like eye burn color but close. It was a backpack, with many little pockets to hold things. Was it weird that Tommy loved the gift probably more then he thought he would?

"you like it mate?" Phil asked, worry was laced in his tone as he assumed Tommy's stunned silence was because of something negative. Tommy looked at Phil with such a joyful expression that Phil took a step back in surprise.

"Do I like it? This is fucking awesome!" Tommy yelped, as he put on the pack. It was slightly painful with his wings still smushed against his back put Tommy didn't care.

Present Tommy smiled, he did love the pack. Tommy also felt warmed by the fact that the entire Sbi cared enough to remember his favorite color. Red, Tommy felt his smile grow.

Tommy was quick to expand the area around the chest, he had a lot more things to put in it. He decided to place all but five this in, Tommy decided to keep the cow plush he was gifted to by Phil ( who he has dubbed Henry), the two bracelets from Techno, one of the many beanies Wilbur had gotten (it was grey with red dots and matched and Wilbur is the one with an obsession okay? Like who has that many anyway?) and finally one sweater that Wilbur had also gotten him.

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