Chapter 5: Q and Toms have a moment and Tommy suffering :D

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"Snowbird?" Quackity's hesitate voice speaks, Tommy just buries his face further in the other vigilantes hoodie.

"Please- I don't want to talk right now-" Tommy speaks but breaks off into small sobs that echo through the room.

"Shh-shh, it's alright you don't have to tell me if you don't want to" he murmurs, rubbing circles along his back.

AHahaha- Tommy and Q have a moment where Tommy has a mental break down, then Tommy goes home, Dweamy is mad and Tommy is trying to recover from trauma. Oh and the Sbi have a little wholesome skit to calm the need to kill Dream.

Tommy woke up to something soft covering him.

That was weird, usually Tommy would be freezing since the blanket that Dream gave him could barely count for a blanket. Tommy sat up- wincing when he felt a spike of pain in his leg. He lifted up the covers to see it bandaged, well, actually. That was weird, Tommy was never really the best at bandaging his wounds.

Only then did Tommy realize he wasn't in his room. Tommy looked around at the room, or well more like a room and the only doorway he saw lead to a place that looked like an ally. What?

"you finally awake little Birdy?" A familiar voice rang out, Tommy stared wide at at the deep brown eyes of Quackity.

"where- why?" Tommy stuttered out, why was he here? How did he get here? When was big Q here? Tommy thought as a puzzled look started to form on his face.

"well for starters you were fighting a gang with the Angel and the Warden, which you gotta tell me how that happed sometime. Two, you got a knife in the leg. The other vigilantes didn't want to risk you getting arrested so we took you here. A place where we patch up injuries when there a little bit too lethal" Quackity explained as he gestured to the room they were in.

It was honestly nice, It had a desk with drawers, potted plants here and there with two large beds at the corners. Tommy looked up to see Quackity walking towards him. Tommy instinctively flinched back, remember Dream- Dream, oh Tommy was dead! How long has he even been out?! Tommy needed to go!

Tommy swung his legs out of the bed, letting out a hiss of pain as he jostled his wound. Quackity looked taken aback from Tommy's haste to get up, after a moment he was trying to ushered Tommy back into the bed but Tommy wouldn't listen.

"Snowbird, please get back into the bed-" Quackity tried to persuade but Tommy just shook his head.

"No big man- I-I need to go back home, Dre- my guardian will worry" Tommy replied, wincing as his voice cracked.

Now Tommy knew he was never the best lier, he looked up at the older vigilante who had concern and worry flashing through his eyes.

"Snowbird, are you okay?" He asks, worrier clear in his voice. Tommy flinched back, silently cursing himself for it.

"Yep! All good here big man!" Tommy tries to joke but even he hears how forced it is.

"you sure amigo? I'm not saying anything but you look like shit" Quackity reasons, sitting down next to Tommy.

"I-I, well" Tommy mutters but gets cut off by the older avian.

"hey! Can I preen your wings?" Q, suddenly asks. Tommy looked at him to see genuine excitement in his eyes. Tommy can't help but wince at the thought that he might leave.

"sure Q." Tommy agrees, holding back a chuckle at the others excited thrill.

Quackity is really gentle while preening Tommy's wings, like, really gentle. Tommys had other people preen his wings, but they were always more rough, and pulled harder, sometimes pulling some of Tommy's good feathers. But Quackity was really gentle while doing it, Tommy guessed it was because he was also an avian.

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