Toms is still sick Sbi are fighting over him. OH?Tubbo is drowning in guilt-

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Tubbo couldn't breath. Why? Why why why? He thought miserably, he stared at the feather necklace that was clutched in his hands.

Tubbo was so, so stupid.

Ayyyy- a Tubbo POV in this chapter! Sbi are going ballistic since they saw the new injuries Tommy has. Tommy is still sick so Sbi is still going haywire, Tommy sneaks out and oop- there's Techno, Techno chases him around for a bit and eventually catches him. Then Tubbo POV! Hahahaha, then Tubbo meets with Ranboo and gets comforted because he needs that. Also Tech and Wil have jus a lil argument over someone-
Tommy woke up to soft shouting.

Uh oh, Tommy waking up to any type of shouting was bad, like really bad. Tommy looked around, Tommy had fallen asleep somewhere at seven and now it was ten. Tommy tired to shake out his wings but found they had a shirt and jacket covering them. Tommy sighed as he slowly opened a tired eye to see what the fuck was going on.

Tommy's eyes first picked up was Techno, he looked mad. That was odd, Techno tired to hide all his emotions. Wilbur was across from him, yelling much louder then Techno. Tommy pinned his ears to the side of his head, he didn't like yelling much, it always ment Tommy would get hurt one way of another.

Phil was beside him, a concerned look on his face. Why was he concerned? Tommy thought, when he opened his eyes Phil's grew wider. He yelled something hushed to the others but stayed at Tommy's side. Was it because Tommy was sick? Tommy felt a little better, what the fuck was going on. Phil's wings were ruffling with worry and concern.

Huh, why is he worried? Tommy thought, Phil opened his mouth to ask something but Wilbur beat him to it.

"Who hurt you?" Wilbur hissed, a snarl forming on his lips. Tommy was taken aback, Phil looked very tired of Wilbur's bluntness.

"wha- what?" Tommy stuttered, Phil gently rubbed Tommy's arm. Tommy turned towards him to see the bruise that was blossoming  from it. Tommy's breath hitched, Tommy had gotten that when Dream found out that Tommy had gotten mud on his outfit. The cuts were for the same reason.

"Toms, you have so many injuries on your arms. Who did this?" Wilbur asked, his was soft until he asked about who did this. Tommy looked away, he didn't want to see their faces.

Dream Dream Dream did Dream he did it Dream. Tommy thought miserably, he wanted to tell them so, so bad. Tommy just closed his eyes and breathed. His golden blond hair falling onto his face, Tommy huffed in irritation missing the fond looks the hero's we're giving him.

"I- no one hurt me, I just broke a lamp" It was the only thing that would give Tommy cuts like these. The others didn't seem to buy it but they backed down. Tommy was grateful.

"Alright, well, let's give you some medicine I suppose" Tommy immediately recoiled at Wilbur's suggestion. The last time Tommy had it he didn't complain, he was too tired to complain. He really wished he did though, that medicine tasted like it was from the year 300 b.c.e like it tasted awful.

Tommy threw his hands up to block Wilbur, who, looked at him with confusion.

"No! I'm not taking it again! That medicine taste like ass!" Tommy said, the hero's stared at him before breaking into a fit of laughter. Tommy smiled.

His wings ruffled with happiness. "If your going to drug me, at least make it taste good." Tommy complained, Phil started to wheeze harder as Wilbur was starting to fall from his sheer laughter.

Tommy smiled brighter, this was nice. Eventually Wilbur did feed him the medicine with only minor protests. A few minutes pass as the three hero's chatted with each other, Tommy was getting fucking bored. So what was the best thing to do?

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