Tommy is sad hes also on patrol Oh and having a mental breakdown and also Phil

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Upset was an understatement.

Tommy was fucking devastated, Tubbo was fucking pissed at him! And it was all his fault! Tommy huffed, feeling the familiar burn of tears start to sting in his eyes. Tommy sniffled, his nose already feeling stuffy. He had already shed enough tears for the time being, he didn't need to shed more.

"Snowbird?" A very, VERY familiar voice whispered. Tommy whipped his head over to stare right into bright blue eyes.


Tommy is very sad, I mean it's reasonable he just got slapped by his best friend so- Tommy is also on patrol and meets a very concerned dadza, and somewhat concerned (very concerned ) Techno, Tommy is having a mental breakdown so-. Also it starts raining and Tommy gets sick, Karl and Q comes to fetch Toms. Phil and Tech argue with them. They still takes Toms, Tommy thanks Karl and goes 'home'.
Tommy being upset was an understatement.

Tommy was an absolute train wreck! Tubbo was pissed at him and it was all Tommy's fault! Tommy felt the hot sting of tears start up as he sniffled, his nose feeling stuffy from the tears threatening to spill over. Tommy had already cried enough, he didn't need to shed more.

Tommy was on patrol, his white ruffled wings behind him. Shaking, his wings were shaking. Why? Oh, Tommy lifted a trembling finger up to his face. A soft trickle of tears met him, Tommy sniffled. He had already cried enough why did he have to cry more? Tommy let out a small sob. Flock flock hate trust hate find leave flock wait flock hate? Tommy cried more as his instincts were buzzing in confusion.

Tommy couldn't take it anymore his face was wet, his wings felt weird and heavy, his entire body was cold and soaked. Wait, soaked? Tommy looked up to feel the slight patter of rain fall on his face. Oh, it's raining. Tommy thought numbly, he couldn't care less right now. Tommy was walking slowly, not even focusing on the fact he was supposed to be fighting crime.

There were benches in front of Tommy, Tommy looked around to see he somehow ended up in the park. Tommy looked over at the bushes, there were a few bees out. Tommy let out another choked sob, bees, Bumblebee. Tommy grabbed his hair, yanking at it. Tommy let out a cry of pain as he tried to sorta rip his own hair out.

Tommy fell to the ground, his pants soaking in with mud and water. That's going to be a few bruises, Tommy thought bitterly. Thinking of how Dream will have him by the throat because of this. Tommy let a sob rip it's way out of Tommy's throat. Tommy sat there, sobbing on the ground of some park. Must be some sight huh? A well known vigilante just sobbing in the rain, in the middle of a park.

The avian couldn't care less, all that mattered was that he had messed up and now Tubbo probably hated him. Anouther crouching wave of guilt and regret crashed on him, he should've just told them for fucks sake! Tommy let out a choked warble, he felt his wings shaking violently behind him.

His wings were heavy and damp with rain, the bottom feathers were drenched in mud. He didn't care. Tommy sobbed, he sobbed for probably twenty minutes. Tommy was about to ruffle his wings just to see if he could flick some mud off when he heard footsteps. A small choked warble leaving his lips.

"Snowbird?" A painfully familiar voice had whispered. Tommy froze, slowly turning around to meet the bright blue eyes of his dad- no, wait Phil. Tommy sniffled slightly, he was going to leave soon anyway.

"I- Phil- " Tommy broke off into another round of sobs, crumpling to the floor. Phil made a small sad and surprised thrill while a different voice had let out a surprised grunt. Grunt? Who- ? Tommy heard a small jingle of jewelry.

Oh, Techno was here too.

"Mate, mate, mate, Shhhhh- come here" Phil whispered, Tommy heard him even if it was pouring. Tommy just let out a small choked sob. Suddenly warm feathers encased him, jet black against his dull white wings.

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