Chapter 4: A mysterious life

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Third-person POV. With Eyeless Jack

"sir?" Ej says as he walks in. "I have a few questions,"

Slenderman appears. "Ah, perfect timing, my son. I was about to call you here to ask a few things,"

"Well, I hope they're the same questions cuz this is a quick stop,"

"I see," Slenderman says as he sits on his chair, signaling Ej to sit on the chair. "tell me my son, what is it that you need to ask,"

Ej sits down. "What are we going do with the new girl? We can't trust anyone not to kill her. Nurse Ann doesn't live here, and we have completely run out of empty rooms. It's too dangerous to leave her here alone,"

"I see your concern, Jack. No need to worry. I've already told my proxies they're jobs. They have been assigned the role of guards for her, but she will not know that they protect her from afar. As to where she will sleep, I had already made up my mind as soon as she woke up" Slenderman explains

"Really?" Ej asks

"yes really, I had made a list of danger levels starting at 100, I figured you would be the first one to meet so your danger level went down by 15%, BEN, on the other hand, went down by 9% by him only seeing her for a few minutes, Toby stayed at 100 due to his recklessness, for now, she'll stay with you, anything bad happens shell go with BEN, if not shell be put with Toby, and if not we'll just have to send her to live elsewhere in the woods" Slenderman explains his statistics as he shows EJ the papers he had made with info on her and the list of danger percentages. "understood?"

Ej looks at the papers "Understood"

"Anything else dear child?" Slenderman asks as he leans on his chair.

EJ thinks "Not at the moment sir," EJ says as he gets up from his chair.

"Alright, you may see your way out, thank you for coming," Slenderman says

"thank you for your time, sir," EJ says as he walks out of the room.

You watch as Ej walks out of the room "Come on" Ej says as he walks away from where you guys are, you get up quickly and follow him.

"sooo what know?" you ask " I'm gonna show you how to make your way around the house so you don't end up going to the wrong place" Ej leads you to what seems to be a house entrance, you look around to see a few people talking in the kitchen and more people watching tv in the living room.

"you'd think that since we are serial-killer, we would treat each other like some gang members who have no respect towards each other, but that's not the case, the more you stay here the more people warm up to you, as long as you have a good first impression, that'll make it easier for people to warm up to you, some of us warm up to people very fast, while others take a while, keep that in mind," Ej says before opening the front door "go outside I wanna show you something" you walk outside as Ej follows you

"So uhm, why are we here," you ask looking up at Ej

"take a look at the house, what do you see" Ej says as he turns towards the house crossing his arms

You turn towards the house looking at every detail "An old mansion, a lot of cracks and holes, it looks like it could fall at any moment.."

"You see, what you see is fake, the house- I mean, both the house and your eyes are playing tricks with your mind, you see an old rusty mansion that would probably be about 1000 years old, but I see a mansion that looks to be made of the finest woods, to me it looks like it was only yesterday that it was made." Ej stares at the house, his arms falling to his sides as he sighs

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