"Did yours come with a sweater vest or did you by your own?" I add smiling

"Look you promised. You said you weren't with her" Kie says a little hurt

"Bro just own it she got you" I told him blankly

"Look if you wanna hang out with her that's fine but I'm not doing anything with Sarah" Kie tells him

"Do you guys see her here? No. a little focus will be fantastic" JB said trying to avoid the conversation, "we got the map didn't we"

"But it's all out of wack cause the guy was ganja when he drew it"

"It's cause the coast has changed" I say outlining the coast we're familiar with seeing

"So we just go to look for landmarks that haven't changed" Pope said going over the map

"What about the old forest?"

"Battery Jasper"

"Well let's roll out" We grab our thing and head to the Twinkie and drive to the old forest.


Pope lays the map out and we look off into the distance looking to spot anything. JJ had his hands around my waist whispering stuff into my ear making me laugh.

"So where here than somewhere over northeast of here is Parcel 9" Pope tell us

"Guys that over there is a sub division" JJ states out

"Tanny hill plantation used to be the whole island and got sold into smaller pieces over time" JB tells us

"Pope look for something that we've seen around the island before"

"An old stone wall" He points out we get back into the Twinkie and start following the map to the stone wall. We finally found it but noticed who's land it was on.

"Nope this is the crane house"

"Are you kidding me"

"Worst case scenario"

"Why did it have to be here of all places"

"I heard that Mrs. Crane buried her husbands head on the property"

"JJ that not helping" I hit him on the arm which he lets out a small ow.

"Let check around back to see if we can find anything" John B says as he starts walking around back with JJ following

"How come we never listen to our black instinct and just leave" I asked Pope and Kie

"I'm starting to wonder why too" Pope said sighing

"We've been around them to long and it stopped working" Kie suggests

"Yeah sounds about right" We agree and catch up with John B and JJ. We were walking through the tall grass listing to JJ tell us stories about the Cranes and what happened. But we all play along just for the fun of it.

"On certain nights when the moon is full you can see her through the window" She dose so ghost hands totally making the story true

"Kie that's not funny it's all true. I swear guys it's all real. I knew holly"

"Babysitter Holly?" I asked

"You know Hollice Crane? How?" Pope said now intrigued

"She was my babysitter man. She told me all about him she told me the truth" He says and now we're all gathering around him listening to the story.

Technically I was first 🙃Where stories live. Discover now