Chapter 28: Those Newly Come of Age

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The bell rings again and again waking up the living dolls in their respective chambers.

"All living dolls must gather in the Great Hall immediately!" The voice rings out as Emilico sits there curious.

"What? I wonder what could have happened."

"Are you certain it wasn't a veiled doll?"

"I've never seen a doll like that. And lately, the number of scorches has been increasing. I must inform Edward." Barbie said as she walks with another living doll who's much taller than her.

"That transgressor?" Asked the living doll as Barbie replies.

"He is still the warden of the children's wing."

"Is there any possibility that it was Lord Edward?"

"He would hardly repeat the same transgression. He's only just received his punishment for the prior incident. Entering the children swing unbidden, and receiving only a stern caution for it..." Barbie trailed off.

"It would be good if this made him a little more docile."

"It doesn't matter who it is. No trespassers will be tolerated. It may have been Warden Edward, but the ones who keep watch over the children swing are us, the Star Bearers. Whether they are intruders or traitors, All is for the sake of the Shadows family."

Mummurs echoes through out the ground as living dolls gather in front of the Star Bearers.

"What is all this?"

Ring ring ring ring ring ring. The sounds from the bell rang as Barbie shakes the bell back and forth.

"Hurry up and get in line!" She exclaimed.

"Good morning Hisui!" Emilico whispers a little but she only received a small barely visible smile and a nod.

"Stop dawdling!"

"Earlier, a suspicious figure wearing a robe appeared in the Great Hall. Anyone who knows anything must report it. If you fail to report, you will be dealt severe punishment. That is all!" Barbie rings the bell signalling the end of the message.

As the living dolls all part ways one by one Barbie approaches Emilico.

"Hey, Sunshine." Emilico tensed up as Doll moves closer to Emilico, holding her hand and giving her some support.

Emilico tensed expression ease up a bit as a tiny blush covers her face.

"You wouldn't happen to be involved again this time, would you?" Barbie asked accusingly while also glaring at them holding hands.

"If you are hiding something, it won't end well for you." Barbie threaten Emilico before walking away.

Rosemary who's nearby stands near the two with a worried expression.

"Master Robe?" Kate asks as she sits on her bed listening to Emilico's report of the day.

"Yes, because it seems suspicious person was wearing a robe." Emilico tells her while Kate asks her curiously.

"Is everyone calling it that?"

"No, I gave it that name! If it happened to be a shadow, I didn't want to be rude, so I added 'Master' to make 'Master robe'." Smiled Emilico.

"I see." Kate thought then she speaks what's on her mind.

"A suspicious figure appearing in the children's wing... I couldn't possibly be Edward, could it? Perhaps he hasn't given up yet." Kate reassure Emilico after seeing her face.

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