Dreams Come True

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Okay. First, I want you to know that I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA of what is going on. Second, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT JUST HAPPENED. Third, WHAT IS GOING ON?! So basically I really don't know what's happening. It all started when.... *cue flashback*

Sleep. My favorite part of the day (or night, I guess). Flopping onto my cozy mattress is the best part.... 12:00 A.M. Tossing and turning. Oh no. A dream is coming.....

Running through the backyard's woods. I can't see it but I know something is chasing after me. I manage to outrun it though. I run up the tiny patio stairs and almost crash into the window. Damn it! Why didn't I think of it earlier?! It's freakin' nighttime, of course the house is closed! Wait! My skeleton key! I could use that! My thoughts are interrupted by footsteps behind the trees... the thing is getting closer! I grab the skeleton key and try to jam it into the lock. OMG IT'S NOT WORKING OMIGOSH OMIGOSH OMIGOSH!!!!!! Great. It was upside down... I'm jolted back to reality (in the dream, obviously) by something crashing through the trees... I finally manage to fit the key into the lock. I jangle it quickly, trying not to panic. Yesss! The lock clicks and I burst into the house. I rapidly close the door behind me and lock it. Then I run to the window and look out. There's a shadow that's not supposed to be there. I duck underneath the windowsill and watch it from afar. It comes closer...closer....and closer still. It keeps walking, at least I think it's walking...and stops in front of the door. I try my best to squish myself against the wall. The shadow looks around, and for a second, I think it might actually try to break in! Then, it turns and "walks" away until I can't see it anymore....

*end flashback*

And the really weird thing is: I JUST SAW THE FREAKING SHADOW! It was really weird... after waking up from the dream, I looked out the window, and guess what: the shadow was out there, as if it were just waiting for me to look for it! It's just creepy, in my opinion, that my dream came true...

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