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As Embry, Seth, Leah and I all wait outside we hear more howls as we believe the Cullens are on their way back and I sigh holding onto Embry

A few minutes later jacob storms outside with tears in his eyes and he sits on the ground "she didn't make it.." I say sadly then looking towards Embry thinking how hard it must be to watch the love of your life die right in front of you and my heart breaks for my brother he suddenly lifts his head with an angry look on his face as soon as he does I know what's going through his head he stands and I try to block him

"Jake don't it's a baby" Jake glares at me "a baby that killed Bella I'm finishing this like I said" I try to stop him but he continues to walk and Embry holds me back afraid I might get hurt

We hear howls and begin to phase as we hear a crashing sound in the house then Edward comes out with Bella's blood on him and I cringe slightly but get ready to fight as Embry stands in front of me. Soon we start fighting the boys leaving Embry and I alone but we continue to defend what we came to do soon the Cullens return fighting with us

As we fight jake comes outside "stop!" Jake yells catching all our attention "you kill her you kill me" he says stepping in front of sam  "Jacob imprinted they can't harm her. Whoever a wolf imprints on can't be harmed it's their most absolute law" Sam looks angrier and then walks away the others following as the rest of us look to Jake shocked

We soon phase back and get into a change of clothes and go inside  as the Cullens prepare Bella's body for a funeral but I notice a small change in her appearance she seems to be healing  and Edward glances at me after reading my mind then looks to Bella then back to me smiling softly

Embry soon leads me outside into the beautiful back yard of the Cullens and pulls me close putting a hand gently on my stomach "y/n black I love you and I can't wait to start a family with you these past months have been amazing and I know it may seem like we rushed but I couldn't be happier I know you may think this is the imprint talking but I can tell you it's me. All me and I just want to start my future with you so will you marry me?" He says looking deep into my eyes as I nod excitedly "yes.. Embry yes!!"

He picks me up carefully and spins me while we kiss and we walk inside with everyone looking at us saying congratulations then suddenly we all look towards Bella as her eyes open revealing the scarlet red eyes she now has "Bella.." I say softly

A/N: hey guys I know my parts are getting shorter I'm just about to possibly end this story maybe skipping breaking dawn part two and closing this story I have another book if you guys want to read it it's called 'kidnapped' I may update it soon but I'm coming up with ideas and soon another part will come out but as of now I'm going to be drafting another book idea I have but not posting anything just yet only because my ideas are pretty fresh this love story is coming to somewhat of an end and I know it doesn't seem like a long book and that's my fault for making the parts so long without much ideas on what to write more of other than following the story line I apologize this is my first time writing following a story line so next book is going to be somewhat along a story line and at the same time more of what comes to my mind I love y'all and hope you're enjoying 🥰

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