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As dad tells the story of our ancestors suddenly Jacob stands "I have to go" he looks at everyone and they nod "where to Jake?" I ask curious "to pick up Bella" he says quickly "Jacob!" Sam says with his alpha voice that makes me cower a bit "hurry back" Jacob sighs and nods

-Jakes POV-
I soon see Bella and her bloodsucker outside forks high school as she tells Edward she's going with me he doesn't seem too pleased. I wait for Bella to hop on my bike and we head towards Emily and sam's place and boy am I not ready for this

-y/n pov-
We soon hear jakes bike getting closer and I roll my eyes "great.." I say as Embry puts his hand over mine and smiles softly to reassure me everything is going to be fine we all all walk outside and meet them and the boys soon start harassing Jake about an inner monologue about Bella "I wish Bella would call" Paul says "I wish Bella wouldn't call" says Jared biting into his food "maybe I should call Bella" Embry joins and quill adds "maybe I should call Bella and hang up" while they all laugh and Bella looks uncomfortable but laughs along and Jake rolls his eyes at the three and playfully glared at me as I laugh "what. You expect me to not laugh when they are exposing how much you obsess over your childhood best friend?" She giggles soon Leah walks out of the house glaring at Bella "hey Leah. Sorry about Harry" Bella says sadly "if you're here to your true Jacob some more feel free to leave" she then shifts and runs off as Bella turns to me with wide eyes "so she knows?" I roll my eyes "of course I know I'm the newest member of the pack"

Bella continues to look shocked "I thought Leah was the only girl " she turns to Jake "nope and we got a good one" Embry says putting an arm around my shoulders causing me to blush then my head snaps to Bella "how the hell do you know?!" My eyes shooting to Jake and he puts his hands up "she figured it out by herself" he says quickly "not without your not so small hints" Paul mutters but everyone except Bella heard

Soon y/n gets bored sitting around the house waiting for Jake and Bella to end their little hang out she stands and walks to Embry who seems to be lost in thought while the others are talking "hey Embry want to go on a walk?" His head perks up happily and jumps up "yeah let's go" i walk out with Embry following then soon waking by my side "so um with the whole imprinting thing.." he rubs the back of his neck "what do you want to do" he said shyly. "Well we will see where it goes Embry " I smile softly

-time skip because idk what to put after this-

We go back to Emily's house to see Jacob a bit sad and angry "whats wrong jake ??" I ask looking around for Bella "I told bella I'd rather her be dead then one of them..then I got into an argument with her bloodsucker" he says not looking up and I look at him shocked and let out a deep breath "I don't even like her and I think that was harsh" his head snaps up to me and he glared "don't you think I know that" there's a long silence me afraid to talk

Jake then stands up "well we are staying here tonight mainly because I have patrol with the others and watch Bella's house and dad wants Sam and Emily to watch you in case you need help with shifting " I nod and turn to Emily "where can I sleep?" Emily quietly leads me to the guest room and I smile thanking her and plopping down onto the bed then the door opens and Embry walks in "Sam said I could stay too so if you need me I'll be on the couch" he smiles "you could stay in here " I say as he lays down I lay with him with my head on his chest and slowly drift to sleep as he plays with my hair

A/N: this is going to be a shorter chapter before we get into the rest of the story because I'm a bit tired 😅

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