"Hurry and take it. Someone is bound to notice these guards are no longer patrolling, and I would rather return home before that happens," an older frost giant growled.

The leader of the group grabbed the casket and the group began to leave when the wall that had been behind the casket opened and revealed a towering metal figure that began to attack them. The leader tried to use the casket against it but was quickly cut down by a blast from the things head.

Scrambling to safety the female gasped in horror, having not expected such a guard, and cursing herself for not having thought the Asgardian king might have something like this lying in wait.

The doors to the vault were thrown open and a large number of guards charged in, heading right for her. She readied herself for death but they did not kill her, at least not at the moment. Chained and shackled she was dragged from the room, shouting curses and hatred at everything, the chains that they had put on her neutralised her powers to create ice weapons, much to her further anger.

As she was dragged before Odin, she spat at his feet, "You will freeze in the ever winter that will eventually come Allbastard!" she cursed Odin.

Odin just glared at her and said, "Take her to the cells, we will question her later!" he ordered.

"Your blood and your sons will freeze Odin!" she screamed as she was dragged away to the cells.

Loki, having seen the captured Jutonn woman, held back a sigh and prayed she knew nothing that would lead Odin back to him and Freya. Though he did note that the guard captured rather then killed the woman, something he was sure they would have done before Harry had come to Asgard and been shown to have Jutonn blood.

Thor however glared after the woman for both what she had said as well as what she and the rest of her now dead group had done. He had just about been named king when they had ruined it. Thor wanted to go after the woman and kill her himself, but he wanted to stay with his father and try to persude him to punish the Jutonn for what happened.


Freya was waiting with Frigga as Thor, Loki and Odin came up from the Weapon's Vault.

"I saw a prisoner was captured," Freya said to Odin.

"A survivor, she will be questioned as to how they managed to enter Asgard and make it this far before being noticed," Odin answered dismissively.

"Huh? Well, I guess that means it's time to send everyone home and do the whole crowning Thor's big head another day," Freya gave Thor a teasing smirk, almost laughing at how angry and annoyed he appeared at that.

"The coronation will continue as planned. However, I shall wait until the prisoner has been questioned and the gaps in our defense has been dealt with," Odin announced before he walked away.

Thor growled to himself. "This isn't right. This is not how I would handle this," Before he stormed off.

Frigga sighed and turned to Loki. "I will speak with your father. Will you please try to calm your brother?" She asked him.

Loki gave a nod, only half paying attention to her. He then waited until Frigga left and he was alone with Freya to speak. "This is not how this was to go at all! One of them captured and the coronation is still on. How can he still not see that Thor isn't ready after everything that was said in the vault?!" Loki growled angrily.

Freya let out an annoyed sigh, "He really is the biggest idiot in all the realms." She then shook her head. "We don't have to worry too much about being found though when she's questioned. After all, I took different forms, and told enough people about the path and plan that it will be a tangled mess for anyone following it. One that will lead to multiple different starting points that can't be traced to either of us, regardless of what Odin tries. And even if Odin does find a link, it will only lead back to me." She then looked towards where Thor had stormed off to. "But it would seem we need a bigger push to truly open Odin's one eye. Any suggestions?"

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