Foolish Little Brother

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No one's pov

I-Indra? Paul would ask in disbelief.

Father, Indra would reply in a flat tone, before unceremoniously tossing his hostage to the floor.

The one armed knight stood tall above his father, glaring down at the man, before speaking, "where is Lady Zenith?

Paul would look away in shame, Indra would see the look and narrow his eyes in disdain. "I see" Indra would say.

"What of Rudeus then?", "I haven't seen him since he left" Paul would reply

The room grew colder, Indra's once purple eyes would morph into his mangekyo sharingan, he would speak with an edge" left?"  From a far it would seem to be a normal question, however Paul knew if didn't answer correctly, he may die.

"He wanted a job so he could pay for Sylphie to go to school." Paul would gulp after having finished

"My foolish little brother" Indra would say, shaking his head and closing his eyes.

Paul would sigh in relief, before turning serious " where did you go Indra?" "I'm not sure but it happened suddenly, I was just transported away, and I ended up in a strange realm." Indra answered

Paul would scrutinize his son, looking for any form of deception. He dropped his previous frown when he found none.

"What has happe-" Indra would go to question, only to be interrupted by a commotion in another room.

Paul and Indra would rush to all. The noise, to find Paul's comrades surrounding a small boy with a pair of panties on his head. It didn't take long for Indra to realize who it was.

It was his foolish little brother.

Feedback would be appreciated

The First SonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora