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No one's pov




Currently, it was night in the large kingdom of Millis, and heavy rain fell from the heavens and down upon its "subjects". Amongst these "subjects" was a man who lay in a dark room and panting from exhaustion. His long blond hair greatly disheveled and dirty, while his luminescent purple eyes darted about wildly as if some cornered animal. After killing Melania, everything went white, like how it did before he ended up in that realm, and when it stopped he found himself in a large kingdom. But before he could investigate his surroundings, he felt pain....pain and exhaustion like no other, it was enough to render him unconscious. Once he had awoke, he found himself here in this dark and cold room, his armor still upon him but stripped of his sword. Whoever brought him here had only tied his feet, considering he only had one arm . However, he would be incapable of escaping due to his exhaustion. Suddenly, voices could be heard as the door to the room was opened slowly and quietly. Indra strained his eyes to see who had entered and he found himself staring at a woman wearing some sort of bikini armor? Indra was momentarily confused at her apparel  but quickly shook it off. The woman had short brown hair from what he could see in the dark. "Hey are you okay? can you speak" the woman would whisper to Indra, obviously worried due to his panting and wheezing, "f-fine" he would wheeze out before sleep would take him once more.

"Hey", "Hey!" A voice would speak rather loudly, and this would immediately bring Indra from his unconsciousness. Reaching towards the voice, he would feel his hand wrap around their throat and he would begin to squeeze and hoist them off the ground as he stood to his full height. Immediately, shocked gasps could be heard around him, before turning into shouts of anger. And his sharingan would flare to life and the famous uchiha scowl would form on his now unmasked face. "Who the hell are you people!" Indra would demand as the room went silent at his outburst, "I asked yo-" Indra would go to say before a blonde man with green eyes entered the room holding a sword "hey!! What's-" the man's voice died out before he could finish, the shock clearly written on his face...... "I-Indra?"

Sorry it's short

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