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Date of Report: 4.5.1989

Topic: Recent Disappearances in Royalton

All senior officers shall personally appraise the situation at hand and announce this order at their own discretion.

The recent and suspicious disappearances of 9 year old Jeremy Collins and Sergeant Robert Peterson have become first priority of this police department. This has made it difficult to organize our resources, but above all we must find the source of these disappearances, and if they are linked.

It has been reported that Sergeant Peterson's vehicle, a Ford LTD Crown Elizabeth, license plate number M0FP4, was found in a car wreckage on the Interstate 89. Blood was found at the scene, presumably from Peterson, but he has not been found, alive or deceased.

Furthermore, an officer who arrived on the scene with Peterson had mentioned spotting something looking similar to a game cartridge in Sergeant Peterson's back pocket. However the child's mother has reported nothing stolen from the household, which is extremely strange. The possibility that she hasn't remembered how many games she bought for her son is not completely impossible.
Either way, these strange times will put in effect two new rules;

-Curfew at 9PM-5AM for all minors.

-Increased Police in School & Government Areas.

These rules are effective from today, Saturday, November 11, 1989, at 12AM, to midnight at Saturday, November 25, 1989 (Thanksgiving Day)

Similar info will be broadcast through local news sources. As of now, our main priority throughout the police department is to investigate the disappearances of Sergeant Robert Peterson and 9 year old Jeremy Collins.

Chief Charles Phillips.

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