Late Night Visit

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I wake to a soft tap tap tap on my window. 

I sit up in bed, look to my window and almost have a stroke when Atlases face stares back at mine, waving at me through the glass.

Putting a hand to my chest, I feel my heart beating rapidly. And I can't decide if it's beating so fast due to the scare he gave me, or because my hopefully soon-to-be prince is outside my bedroom in the middle of the night.

I throw back the duvet and fly over to the window, unlocking the handle and push it open, narrowly missing his head.

"What are you doing here?" I hiss, pulling him inside and leaning out over the ledge, peering down two stories of stone walls.

"I wanted to see you," he says, smiling.

I am taken aback, "You wanted to see me?"

"Yes. Is there something wrong with that?"

I blush, "No. Not at all."

"Did you fly up here or something? How did you climb two stories?" I ask, bewildered.

"Yes, I used my anti-gravity boots to get up here."

"Stop being sarcastic. How did you get up here? What is... anti-gravity?"

"It's when there is no gravity. I used those vines."

I peer down the wall again and see that there are indeed thick green vines hanging from the top above me that trail down to about two feet above the grass.

"Huh. That's actually pretty clever." I say, nodding.

"Thank you." he triumphantly juts out his chin.

"So, anti-gravity, huh?" I eagerly turn back to the previous subject.

"Yes. I found a book in our palace library that's over 1,000 years old! It's filled with foreign subjects and concepts."

I'm intrigued, "Really? Like what?"

"Centuries from now, there are things unknown to our time... to our world."

I gasp, "Like what? Tell me!"

"There are things called... cell phones. It's supposed to be a sort of rectangular box that you can talk to people through. And you can press the letters of the alphabet on this tiny screen to make words and send something called a text. And it's all virtual! It is called an electronic piece of mobile technology."

I am amazed but very confused, "A... cell phone?"

"Yes! There are no pictures to describe it, only words, but it is very descriptive."

"There are no written letters to send by mail?"

"There are, but there are also electronic letters..."

"...electronic letters?"

"It's called an Email."

I lower my voice, and whisper it as if it's a sacred word, "Email?"

"In an Email, you can write long messages to people and send them in a virtual envelope to an email address."

"What is an email address?"

"It's hard to explain."

I cross my arms, "Try me."

"Fine." He huffs out a breath, "Nevermind, it's too hard."

I grump and sit down on my bed. "What else is there?"

He sits beside me, "There is something called... social media and it has different... platforms called Instagram, Tiktok, Pinterest, Spotify, and many more!"

Princess Avalon of Honey Falls (currently incomplete)Where stories live. Discover now