7 - Don't ever try to close your eyes!!

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guys..did you watch Nanase-san and Kujou-san's drama? Their acting reallyyyyyyyyy amazing!! I almost crying the whole night!!"

"The scene about Riku-kun crying really touch my heart so much..."

"Riku-san,Tenn-san,their role in that drama rreallllllyyy like the true twin!! They even share the same birthday too!! Aww I'm gonna ship both of them!!"

"I want to get another serious about their drama together.I hope they will do the drama again...I will buy everything about them"

"They an idol with same age too...both of them are adorable.."

"I would choose Riku-kun because his character are so cute...it's not that I don't like Tenn-kun..but he is cool too..but I want Riku-kuun won't the award~!!"


At idolish7 dorm,all of them just done watching the drama that Riku join.All of them satisfied with Riku's talent in act but only Riku didn't watching together with the member.He locked himself in his room because he wasn't feeling fine and not in good health.So he currently sleep for few hours.

"I really admit Riku's talents in acting really far so good..i never know he had such talent in this too.."said Yamato.

"Rikkun are really good..his emotion scene almost made me cry.."said Tamaki.

"...I will take a look Nanase-san at his room.."said Iori as he stand up and heading to Riku's room.Iori knock the door for letting Riku know someone entering his room.Riku still cuddle with his blanket."Nanase-san?..".

"oh..I-Iori *coughing*..sorry.."said Riku who trying to get up.

"Calm down Nanase-san,just stay rest...I will tell Niisan to made a food for you,did you take your medicine?"Iori as he worry at Riku's condition.

"I'm fine,honestly,the drama really tiring..but I haven't watch the drama yet..."said Riku with weak voice.

"Nanase-san,focus on your recovery and stay warm.Wait here and I will bring something for you to gain some energy."said Iori.Riku nodded and close his eyes for while.

"I wonder what happen to the dramaa..did it really go so well?"Riku's thought.

On that night,at the Takanashi's office,Tsumugi got call from the director again.

"Oh..hello Director-san,how can I help you?"Tsumugi answer it with polite.

"sorry for bother you this late,well...can you arrange the schedule for Nanase-san?..."

"Sure,but he is not in good health for a few days...but I will arrange the schedule for Riku-san..if you don't mind..."said Tsumugi.

"I see,then please let me know if he is back the healthy and arrange the time for us again."said the director.

"understood..."said Tsumugi and end the call."Riku-san will got another job again?"Tsumugi asking herself.She haven't look at the SNS and the most popular highlight was about Riku and Tenn's drama together.

"Riku-kun got so many positive comment about his drama..they hoping that Riku-kun will act like this together with Kujou-san.."said Sougo.

"Riku get sick because of the drama he working on.He try his best to do best infront of Kujou"said Yamato.

"Now you mention about it.But minute ago,Riku's fever is getting cool down,maybe he will be fine after another rest.."said Mitsuki.

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