Chapter 1

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God my dad owed me.

I was a twenty-three year old woman for Christ sake. I had a full time job I didn't have time for babysitting anymore, my weekends should be just that-my weekend. But instead here I was walking up to a modern styled condo at six pm instead of at the bar my best friend so graciously invited me to. I mean not that the bar was really my scene but isn't that what a normal twenty-three year old does?

I take a deep breath before knocking on the pristine white door waiting for the man my father knew to open the door. My dad was the fire chief and the local fire station and apparently one of his newest employees just moved here. He was a single dad from what I was told, his wife had left him a few years previous. I was going to be watching his two girls, my dad really liked him and assured me he'd pay me well. But when a tall ruggedly handsome man answered the door my breath caught in my throat. His dark hair was combed back and the dark green buttoned down shirt stretched across his chest, complementing his hazel eyes nicely.

"Hey you must be Kellen's daughter right?" He asks and I go fumbling for my words, staring at him surely like a deer in headlights.

"Yes um, hi, my names Adeline but everyone just calls me Addi." I stumble out thrusting my hand out at him which he thankfully shakes.

"Nice to meet you, my names Grant Dillard." His rough voice sends little sparks through my body and I have to do everything to stop hearts from exploding out of my eyes. This man is seriously hot. "Come on in let me introduce you to the girls." He steps to the side allowing me to brush past him in the small hallway, and oh my god does he smell enticing. The perfect blend of leather and earth.

"So hot date?" The words fall from my mouth before I can even think about stopping them. I clamp my mouth back shut and all but slap my forehead. "I'm sorry, that's-wow I can't believe I just said that." He gives me a strange look before walking past me.

"Um no, just a dinner party for a guy from the station. I think he's leaving." He said scratching the back of his neck making his biceps flex under the sleeves of his shirt and making my mouth water.

"Oh yes Jake, him and his husband are moving to California I think." I say following down the hallway and into a kitchen that opens up to the living room where two girls sit playing with Barbie's.

"Girls this is Adeline, she's gonna watch you for tonight." He announces and four curious eyes snap up to me the Barbie's freezing.

"Hi girls." I say with a bright smile. This was easy, I loved kids and these two were as adorable as they can get.

"I like your shirt." The older of the two said, her bright green eyes looking back and fourth from me to my shirt as if she couldn't tell which thing to focus on. I look down at my faded Sublime concert tee and smile back at her.

"Thanks I like your braids." I say looking at her cute little French braids. She smiles softly fingering the end of the braid. She had beautiful brown hair with just the littlest peaks of a light chestnut through the loops in her braids.

"Girls you should introduce yourselves don't be rude." Grant says gruffly as he closes the dishwasher behind me. The girls put both of their Barbie's down and gleefully skip over.

"I'm Daisy and this is Lillian, she's shy though so she probably won't talk." Daisy explains and I look over to Lillian who must be younger. She uses her finger to wrap her strawberry blonde hair tight as she looks at the ground. I crouch down to their level giving Lillian a soft smile, she doesn't budge from the floor but I know not to force her.

"You must be the oldest." I tell Daisy and she nods putting her hands on her hips and popping one out to the side making me chuckle.

"I'm seven and Lillian's four." Daisy nudges her sister forward a bit and Lillian looks up with wide eyes. "It's okay Lillian Adeline's nice I can tell."

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