Part 9 - afterparty

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Madison's POV

I really cannot explain how harshly Kiara broke my heart. She was one of the only people I actually had trust in, and she just lets me down like that?

Of course, she would probably treat me different if i had told her more about my backstory. But i kept it for myself. I haven't told anyone about this yet.

Honestly i was so thankful for JJ right now. Even though we didn't have the best relationship, he still comforted me after Kie poured all her frustrations over me.

Maybe he wasn't so bad after all?

Right now we were walking side-by-side towards Kie's house after he so desperately begged to come with me.

"You know you didn't have to come?" I told him as i dragged myself forwards. In some moments our hands touched as they swayed back and forth.

"Yeah but you wouldn't want to walk home alone would you?" He said softly.

I smiled lightly for myself. "Thank you, again" i said.

"No problem, really" he answered. I noticed he stole a few glances at me.

Afterwards we didn't speak, but that was fine with me. I enjoyed some silence.

After walking for a few minutes, I noticed a glance of the house. All my happy feelings started flowing away as i saw the house.

Home was never a happy place for me. Most of the bad memories i have come from my own home. Home was supposed to be the safest place, with your parents. But for me it was everything but safe.

I think JJ somehow sensed my emotions and he slowly grabbed my hand. I relaxed again by his touch.

We stopped at the entrance of the house. JJ turned to me and i did the same thing.

We were both looking into each other's eyes. I was so deeply lost in his blue eyes. They were so beautiful.

"Are you sure you will be okay?" He asked me worried.

"Probably not" i shifted my gaze to his lips. I wondered how it would feel to have them against my own.

"I could walk in with you?" He knew the risk, but would still walk in with me.

"No it's okay. Just meet me in my room. Its behind the first wall up the second window" i told him and he nodded. I let go of his hand. I took off my heels and started walking up towards the entrance.

I soundlessly sneaked trough the back door and ran towards the stairs. I begged that nobody noticed me or heard me as i ran up the stairs on my toes.

I took the first swing to the second door and quickly closed the door. I locked it so nobody could walk in.

I looked at the window and found JJ struggling to open the window. I opened it for him and he stumbled inside.

"Did anyone say anything?" He whispered.

"No, i sneaked in" i answered while whispering.

He walked up to me, and we stood the exact same way as we were standing outside the house earlier.

"Why did you all of a sudden protect me back there?" I whispered.

"I felt bad for you". I smiled warmly at him. He sent it back. My gaze was switching between JJ's eyes and lips.

I felt the butterflies awakening in my stomach as JJ slowly wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He removed a piece of hair from my face to behind my ear.

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