Vol 2: Chapter 5: Island Exam Part 1

Start from the beginning

We both started to move towards the cave at an insane speed.

"You truly understand this perfect existence. As expected of you. Yes demon-girl, I don't understand why a perfect being like me has to take part in an exam made for peasants"

We both arrived at the cave.

"Are you going to claim this spot 4th gen-girl?"

"Stop calling me with weird nick names. And yes, I am going to claim this spot, and the ones near it"

Saying this, I swiped the card on the machine that displayed 'Possession spots'. It changed its display to a timer which showed 7:59:59 Class C.

So they have micro cameras around these spots to monitor if leaders are the people who claims the spot. Very well.

Before I turn around, I ducked immediately.

The danger sensing ability of humans when they are attacked from behind is a complex process that involves multiple sensory and neural systems working together to detect and respond to potential threats.

The first step in this process is the detection of the threat. The human body has a number of sensory systems that can detect potential dangers, including the visual system, the auditory system, and the somatosensory system.

In the case of an attack from behind, the somatosensory system is particularly important, as it can detect physical contact with the body, even if the individual cannot see or hear the attacker.

Once the threat is detected, the brain must process this information and determine whether it is a danger that requires a response. This process involves the amygdala, a structure in the brain that is responsible for the processing of emotions, particularly fear.

I don't have such emotions, so that part of my brain is typically used for other things like parallel processing. They experimented me in that place regarding my brain activities and brain waves emitted while I am doing certain tasks.

I learned how to even manipulate them. Manipulation of involuntary parts of your body is truly a nearly impossible thing to do. But if you can, then it opens upto to infinite ways to improve yourself.

Now that my danger senses are triggered. These changes include an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, an increase in respiration, and a release of adrenaline and other hormones that prepare the body for action.

It's been a while that I fought a opponent who made my heart rate increase by 0.01 percentage. Koenji is truly strong. I can sense he was considerably holding back in that kick.

Well, while I was in such a thought, On the other hand, I was evading his fierce attacks.

He did a jab-cross, a boxing move. I evaded it. He followed it with a roundhouse kick, a perfect one. Muay that it seems. I blocked it with my hands.

He closed the distance between us in the blink of an eye and tossed me to the ground. A hip toss, judo move. He finished his insane combo with a rear naked choke. Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

In a single series of moves, he displayed four different martial arts with perfect precision of execution. His moves screamed perfection.

"What happened Demon-girl? Not going to fight back? At this rate, you will suffocate"

That's true, but it's not like I need air every second to survive. I can simply shut down most of my internal body functions, a state of semi-dead, not needing much Oxygen. In the first place, I can hold my breath for hours.

"I can do this all day Koenji. Though this position is very kinky, I already have a girlfriend"

Hearing my words, Koenji tightened his hold. He is warning me that he will kill me if I don't retaliate. Let's just play along with him.

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